For besides their regular system of Itineracy, they have for some years had very flourishing Plantation Missions, especially in South Carolina and Georgia.
"Thoughts on the Religious Instruction of the Negroes of this Country"
William Swan Plumer
The Syracuse Journal states that after the meeting this member of the British Parliament addressed at that place a short time since "had passed resolutions against the Union the remainder of the time was consumed in receiving subscriptions to support Mr. Thompson in his anti-slavery Itineracy.
"Sages and Heroes of the American Revolution"
L. Carroll Judson
Two novel monastic features, therefore, now appear for the first time: 1. The substitution of Itineracy for the seclusion of the cloister; and 2. The abolition of endowments.
"A Short History of Monks and Monasteries"
Alfred Wesley Wishart