What is another word for DIMES?

Pronunciation: [dˈa͡ɪmz] (IPA)

Dimes are small coins that are worth ten cents. There are many different synonyms for the word "dime" including "ten-penny," "tenth," and "tithe." Other synonyms for dimes include "deci-dollar," "jabot," and "tithe-piece." These coins can also be referred to as "small change," "nickels," or simply just "coins." In slang, dimes may also be referred to as "dimes pieces," "dimebags," or "dime rocks." No matter what you call them, dimes are an important part of our currency system and are commonly used in everyday transactions, from buying a pack of gum at a convenience store to paying for a parking meter or vending machine item.

Synonyms for Dimes:

What are the paraphrases for Dimes?

Paraphrases are restatements of text or speech using different words and phrasing to convey the same meaning.
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What are the hypernyms for Dimes?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the antonyms for Dimes?

Usage examples for Dimes

When at age eight she decided to collect coins, he went to the bank and brought back rolls and rolls of DIMES and nickels for her to go through.
Thomas Hoover
Business was good, and he had a few DIMES in the bank.
"In Wild Rose Time"
Amanda M. Douglas
The trip cost me five DIMES and three nickels.
Durham, Andrew Everett

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