What is another word for Diarthrosis?

Pronunciation: [dˌa͡ɪəɹəθɹˈə͡ʊsɪs] (IPA)

Diarthrosis refers to the movement of the joints and is often associated with synovial joints. The term can be substituted with other words that describe similar joint movements. For instance, synovial joint is an alternative name for diarthrosis. Articulation is a synonym that means the same thing as diarthrosis. Another term used interchangeably is diarthrodial joint, which is a skeletal joint in which two bones are connected by cartilage. Ball-and-socket joint is a specific type of diarthrosis found in the hip and shoulder joints as it rotates in several planes of motion. Overall, several synonyms can be used to describe the joints' movement, such as synovial joint, articulation, diarthrodial joint, and ball-and-socket joint.

Synonyms for Diarthrosis:

What are the hypernyms for Diarthrosis?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

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