What is another word for contagiously?

Pronunciation: [kəntˈe͡ɪd͡ʒəsli] (IPA)

Contagiously is a word that refers to how easily a disease or virus can be transmitted. There are a variety of synonyms that can be used to convey a similar meaning. Infectiously is a popular option, which suggests that an illness can spread easily from one person to another. Transmissible, communicable, and contagious are also common synonyms that can be used in place of contagiously. These words all have a similar connotation of something that can be easily transmitted or spread. Other options may include proliferation, diffusion, and dissemination, which suggest the movement or spread of something through a particular environment or population.

What are the hypernyms for Contagiously?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

Usage examples for Contagiously

Not quite though, for irrepressible Peter kept the crowd good-natured, by the simple process of making jokes and laughing at them himself, so contagiously, that all were forced to join in.
"The Come Back"
Carolyn Wells
There was something so startlingly frank, so hopelessly self-satisfied, so contagiously good-humored in the woman's perfect moral unconsciousness, that even if Mrs. Tucker had been less preoccupied her resentment would have abated.
"On the Frontier"
Bret Harte
contagiously you bring to me mistrust Of all my landmarks, when, as here to-night, Out of the midst of every pleasant gift The world can offer you, you raise your voice In scoffing irony against each face, Form, action, motive, that together make Your life, and ours.
"Mr. Faust"
Arthur Davison Ficke

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