What is another word for Collectiveness?

Pronunciation: [kəlˈɛktɪvnəs] (IPA)

Collectiveness is the state of being collected as a group or a community. There are various synonyms for collectiveness that can be used to describe the same meaning. Some of the examples include "togetherness," which emphasizes the closeness and interdependence of the group; "communality," which highlights the shared experiences and values of the collective; "solidarity," which conveys the sense of unity and support among the members; "collaboration," which emphasizes the active participation and cooperation towards a common goal; "cohesion," which refers to the strength and stability of the group's bond; and "convergence," which implies the coming together of different individuals or groups towards a common purpose.

Synonyms for Collectiveness:

What are the hypernyms for Collectiveness?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for Collectiveness?

Collectiveness refers to the quality or state of being collective, or a shared commonality among a group of individuals. Antonyms for collectiveness would include words that oppose this sense of unity or collaboration. These might include terms such as individualism, divisiveness, isolation, fragmentation, or disunity. Each of these words suggests a lack of cooperation or a failure to work together towards a common goal. While collectiveness can be valuable in certain contexts, such as teamwork or community building, there are situations where it may not be desirable, such as when individual creativity or autonomy are important.

What are the antonyms for Collectiveness?

Usage examples for Collectiveness

The initial and most obvious idea of the Church is Collectiveness of sin and salvation.
"The Agony of the Church (1917)"
Nikolaj Velimirovic

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