What is another word for catalytic?

Pronunciation: [kˌatɐlˈɪtɪk] (IPA)

Catalytic is an adjective used to describe something that causes or speeds up a chemical reaction without being consumed itself. There exist some synonyms for this word that are commonly used in everyday language. The word "sparkling" is an adjective that is often used to describe a substance that creates a chemical reaction, just like a catalyst. "Stimulating," is another term that means to incite or inspire some reaction, much like what a catalyst does. "Conductive" refers to something that helps to pass electricity or energy, similarly like what a catalyst does for a chemical reaction. "Stimulative" and "accelerative" can also be used interchangeably with catalytic in specific contexts.

Synonyms for Catalytic:

What are the paraphrases for Catalytic?

Paraphrases are restatements of text or speech using different words and phrasing to convey the same meaning.
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What are the hypernyms for Catalytic?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

Usage examples for Catalytic

And, however little in its feature and language the foreground may seem to take color of it, I shall always believe that the consecration of the rivers and paths, by explorations and ministries that were for the most part as unselfish as France's scholarship is to-day, must in some subtle way have had such a potency as the catalytic substances which work miracles in matter and yet are beyond the discerning of the scientist.
"The French in the Heart of America"
John Finley
catalytic Properties of Colloids.
"The Mechanism of Life"
Stéphane Leduc
This conception brings life into line with other catalytic actions, and shows us a living being as a store of potential energy, to be set free by an external stimulus which may also excite sensation.
"The Mechanism of Life"
Stéphane Leduc

Famous quotes with Catalytic

  • Nowadays, however, we recognize that simultaneously with the typical case of a chemical reaction a typical case of catalytic effect had been studied which constitutes a limiting case.
    Wilhelm Ostwald
  • These studies resulted eventually in a complete sequence analysis of the complex from several species, and in the atomic resolution structure of the F catalytic domain of the enzyme from bovine mitochondria, giving new insights into how ATP is made in the biological world.
    John E. Walker
  • The U.S. could seek to acquire the moral authority to act as a healing presence in the world. Our role could be to adjudicate disputes, support "all-win" solutions to international problems, and make our resources available to people, groups and governments that were willing to help themselves. ... We could seek to play a catalytic, rather than a dominant, role in the Third World. We could pay more attention to what the poor themselves want. We could concentrate less on funding massive projects, and more on building up the capacity of indigenous institutions to do for themselves. We could pay more attention to the our aid is given. This may be a highly unconventional approach to foreign aid. But it could also be highly popular. It combines the traditional left's emphasis on equity and the traditional right's emphasis on self-help.
    Mark Satin

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