I remember her in those old bluejacket blouses-" "Yes, I do, too!"
Kathleen Norris
When the fine old sailing frigates vanished from the seas, when the "Constitution" and the "Hartford" became as obsolete as the caravels of Columbus, when a navy officer found that electricity and steam were more serious problems in his calling than sails and rigging, and a bluejacket could be with the best in his watch without ever having learned to furl a royal, then said everybody: "The naval profession has gone to the dogs.
"American Merchant Ships and Sailors"
Willis J. Abbot
The donkey-barrow of a costermonger passed me, loaded with a bluejacket, a flower-girl, several soldiers, and a Staff captain whose spurred boots wagged joyously over the stern of the barrow.
"Waiting for Daylight"
Henry Major Tomlinson