noun as in personal choice
Strongest matches
attitude, character, decision, desire, determination, discipline, feeling, inclination, intention, mind, passion, power, resolution, resolve, wish
Strong matches
aim, appetite, conviction, craving, decisiveness, decree, design, discretion, disposition, fancy, hankering, liking, longing, option, pining, pleasure, preference, prerogative, purpose, self-control, self-discipline, self-restraint, temperament, urge, velleity, volition, willfulness, willpower, wishes, yearning
Weak match
noun as in last wishes; command
Strongest match
Strong matches
bequest, bestowal, declaration, decree, device, directions, dispensation, disposition, estate, heritage, inheritance, instructions, legacy, order, property, testament
verb as in cause
verb as in choose
Example Sentences
But only a handful of those players will enter next season with any meaningful snaps.
By increasing the minimum requirements, more accident-related expenses will be covered by this insurance policy.
Any decision to update or expand the label would require Congressional approval, an uncertain prospect.
There, he found an audience that would sustain him for decades: Latinos.
"She needs her mother. What will she do without her?"
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.