noun as in class, kind
noun as in example, model
Strong matches
archetype, epitome, essence, exemplar, original, paradigm, personification, prototype, quintessence, representative, specimen
noun as in printed characters
verb as in classify
Strong matches
arrange, categorize, class, peg, pigeonhole, sort, standardize, stereotype, tab, typecast
Weak matches
verb as in hit keys on machine to print document
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
Example Sentences
The 10-year-old has a severe, rare type of epilepsy, resistant to conventional treatments.
Department of Health & Human Services has shown that consuming alcohol increases the risk of developing at least seven types of cancer.
There are pros and cons with all types, health experts advise.
The Watts riots in 1965 damaged or destroyed more than 600 buildings, causing insurers to flee and highlighting the need for a new type of carrier to step in.
“I hope these procedures will provide the type of oversight and accountability necessary to prevent future issues,” said Martin F. Schwarz, Orange County Public Defender.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.