noun as in innovator
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in mover and shaker
noun as in pioneer
noun as in point man
noun as in rising star
noun as in trendsetter
Weak matches
noun as in up-and-comer
Example Sentences
The company he founded was called the Ontological-Hysteric Theater, and the name tells you nearly everything you need to know about a theatrical trailblazer who found manic inspiration in the metaphysics of being.
Because Reis da Silva had unwittingly become a trailblazer.
That was five years ago and those pint-sized trailblazers have become high school seniors.
Describing her as a trailblazer for women, he said her "dignity and courage moved and inspired France and the world".
After Ms Knights' death, her family described her as "a loving mum, partner, daughter and sister - an amazing contemporary artist, a trailblazer in life".
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.