noun as in brightness; polish
verb as in give off or reflect light
verb as in polish, burnish
Strongest match
Weak matches
buff up, give a sheen, make brilliant, put a finish on, put a gloss on
Example Sentences
He moved throughout L.A.’s inner cities, selling papers and fish and shining shoes until he created a career in the music industry.
Manchester United's Grace Clinton shone in the December victory over Switzerland, while Manchester City's Jess Park did well in the game before that against the USA.
Punctuated by languid guitar lines, this sadder-than-sad gem creates the perfect backdrop for her gorgeous voice to shine through.
His follow-up stays in the same otherworldly wavelength to shine a light on a tragedy that involved dozens of young girls back in 2017.
Or do they make hay while the sun is shining, and keep the firewood piled high, then brace for impact and wait for the long winter to pass?
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.