
View definitions for raven


adjective as in black

adjective as in ebony

Strong matches

Weak match

adjective as in jet

adjective as in sable

noun as in game

noun as in quarry

noun as in plunder

noun as in stormy petrel

noun as in prey

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Thousands of fans who eagerly follow the bird’s antics via webcam were devastated when the lovebirds’ eggs were eaten by ravens in 2023.

It will be a few years before the tortoises, roughly the size of playing cards, have shells tough enough to avoid becoming prey for the ravens soaring above.

Designed based on perching birds like ravens and crows that frequently switch between air and land, the multifunctional robotic legs allow it to take off autonomously in environments previously inaccessible to winged drones.

Panthers and pine cones, ravens, little deer, elephants and dragons offer their company for curious kids, while some of the difficult things about being a youngster are made easier by stories that offer comfort.

Department of Agriculture veterinarian epidemiologist, said there was probably very little risk to public health in having the animals piled up — even if they were picked at and consumed by buzzards, ravens and flies.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


