

View definitions for older


adjective as in most senior

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Example Sentences

But Ivanka said she would not be returning to Washington, in part because her children are older this time around.

From BBC

As I grew older “Who's going to be there?” had officially become a part of my language, especially after I surpassed the teenage and young adult need to be phony.

From Salon

In some cases, such as independent record label Hospital Records, this requires negotiation between a young workforce - some of whom may never have worked full-time in an office - and their older bosses.

From BBC

He's a bit older now than when he first took charge in 2002 but his enthusiasm is clearly still there and is going to help the current players too.

From BBC

As they got older, they became regulars at the hourlong services held on the property each week.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


