adjective as in avaricious
adjective as in mercenary
Strongest matches
Strong match
noun as in avariciousness
Weak match
Example Sentences
It was the language of heroes and villains, the shooter as cold-blooded killer or culture warrior, Thompson as money-grubbing CEO bleeding Americans dry or good family man bleeding out on the street.
Republicans: A bunch of homophobic, money-grubbing, greenhouse-gasing, seal-clubbing, oil-drilling, Bible-thumping, missile-firing, right-to-lifing, lethal injecting, immigrant-hating hypocrites.
“Team Trump spent much of the day trying to paint Daniels as a sleazy, money-grubbing liar, which, if that is true, you can see why they hit it off.”
Because these suits can be so effective, the corporate lobby, aided by large law firms and often Republican lawmakers, has tried to frame consumer class actions as frivolous money-grubbing scams.
As Mencken observes, the character, “full of highfalutin fraud and bombast,” attempts “to make the world believe, and even to convince himself, that his trivial and sordid money-grubbing is all altruistic.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.