noun as in ability to perceive, understand
Strongest matches
acumen, agility, brilliance, intellect, judgment, perception, quickness, savvy, sense, skill, subtlety, understanding, wit
Strong matches
acuity, alertness, aptitude, brainpower, brains, brightness, capacity, cleverness, comprehension, coruscation, discernment, IQ, luminosity, mentality, mind, penetration, perspicacity, precocity, quotient, reason, sagacity, smarts, trenchancy
Weak matches
Example Sentences
Mr Livelsberger was a decorated Special Forces intelligence sergeant who was serving in Germany, but was on approved leave at the time of the blast.
Livelsberger was a decorated special forces intelligence sergeant who was serving in Germany, but was on approved leave at the time of the incident.
The two had dinner with a mutual friend and she was disarmed by the YouTuber’s down-to-earth nature and intelligence.
“Law enforcement, the intelligence community are investigating” the Las Vegas explosion, “including whether there is any possible connection to the attack in New Orleans,” Biden said to reporters at Camp David.
Before her inauguration, Russia's external SVR intelligence agency issued a bizarre statement falsely claiming she planned to take back Transnistria by force to restore energy supplies.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.