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Three people have been seriously injured in a suspected gas explosion.

From BBC

The band is an explosion of coordinated energy, with far more activity than the average marching band as its members skip, high kick and sashay, all while playing a tune.

They'll see a descending disco ball, followed by a firework explosion shaped like the game's famous llama.

From BBC

Over time, the material it grabs from the other star gets crushed and compressed - until eventually it triggers a nuclear explosion, releasing a huge amount of energy - a process known as going nova.

From BBC

"I went outside and saw thick, dark smoke. After that, I heard a loud explosion, not from the crash itself. Then there were more explosions – at least seven," he told Reuters.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


