verb as in analyze, test
Strongest matches
audit, check, check out, consider, criticize, delve into, explore, inspect, investigate, ponder, pore over, probe, read, research, review, scan, screen, scrutinize, study, survey, try, vet, view
Strong matches
appraise, assay, canvass, case, eye, finger, frisk, gun, inquire, parse, peruse, prospect, prove, reconnoiter, sift, sweep, weigh, winnow
Weak matches
chew over, dig into, go into, go over, go through, look over, pat down, pick at, scope, scrutinate, search into, size up, take stock of, turn over
verb as in ask questions pointedly
Strong matches
catechize, experiment, grill, inquire, interrogate, judge, pump, query, quiz, weigh
Weak matches
cross-examine, give the third, give the third degree, put through the wringer, try out
Example Sentences
In a region that has long struggled with waste reduction efforts and waning disposal capacity, public officials are now examining how the closure will affect the flow of waste in Southern California.
Boundary-pushing Argentine auteur Lisandro Alonso weaves an ambitious triptych traveling across the Americas and across centuries to examine the experiences of Indigenous peoples in the aftermath of colonization.
The FBI and social workers examined the claims, but neither took any action.
However officials will examine whether it should have been made with lighter materials that would break more easily upon impact.
I’m an ecologist and work with colleagues to examine how nutrient dilution could affect species across the food web.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.