Example Sentences
The basic premise that the U.S. is always and everywhere a baleful influence is not easy to falsify.
They will all trace back to Wednesday, back to Dublin, back to the Europa League final, and they will all take exactly the same, baleful form: What if?
But if a favorable disqualification ruling were joined by a ruling for Trump on immunity, it would take a baleful bite out of the court’s already tattered reputation and the future of our democracy.
The baleful precedent of Jan. 6 and the countless death threats to judges, politicians, election workers and others coming from Trump’s supporters suggest we should assume the possibility of a worst-case scenario.
A muscled baleful Spider person voiced by Oscar Isaac is present to impress on Gwen and Miles that being a superhero often involves hard choices as to who to save — and who you can’t.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.