

Definition for balance

noun as in equilibrium

noun as in composure

noun as in money remaining in account

Strongest matches

difference, profit, surplus

verb as in make equal; cause to have equilibrium

verb as in compare

Strongest matches

assess, weigh

verb as in make equal numerically

Strongest matches

adjust, calculate

Weak match

sum up

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Example Sentences

How can we balance a desire to see movies judiciously with that little voice in our head that repeats, “Watch Tom Cruise do death-defying stunts” on a loop for six straight weeks every other summer?

From Salon

In reality, eight in 10 Americans hold some kind of debt, with 39% holding unpaid credit card balances, according a 2015 study from Pew Trusts.

From Salon

For women like Ms Lakshmi, the co-operative offers a chance to earn a decent income while balancing their work at home.

From BBC

It's dawn on Darwin Harbour and government ranger Kelly Ewin - whose job is to catch and remove crocodiles - is balancing precariously on a floating trap.

From BBC

The BBC One series aims to show how the pair balance family life with their work schedules and passion projects, such as building a two-acre fishing lake.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


