

View definitions for avenue


noun as in street; path

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For all its muddy cultural avenues left unexplored, though, it at least provides a slipper view of the ways the show represented “the inception of American shock culture,” as one producer accurately describes it.

From Salon

“We have already explored every possible avenue in negotiating with the U.S.,” he said in November, adding that the result had been more U.S. aggression.

Gould added that the ECB will engage with the UK government, other international boards and the ICC to "explore all possible avenues for meaningful change" but acknowledged there were "diverse perspectives" on the issue.

From BBC

It would make it easier for women to win in court and provide an avenue for Congress to pass more robust laws to protect us.

From Salon

The main avenue outside parliament has been regularly filled with protesters draped in EU flags, demanding new elections.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


