
View definitions for at odds

at odds

adjective as in competitive

adjective as in disagreeing

Strong matches

adjective as in divisive

Strongest match

adjective as in quarreling

adjective as in quarreling

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Example Sentences

The fanbase is now at odds over where to lay the blame.

From BBC

Lutnick, the billionaire chief executive of financial firm Cantor Fitzgerald, has embraced this proposal - despite this position being at odds with others in his industry and some leading economists.

From BBC

He complained that his group had "extended its hand" by supporting Aoun's election only to find the "hand cut", and warned that "any government at odds with coexistence has no legitimacy whatsoever".

From BBC

Conservative groups have threatened to take legal action against major companies over their DEI programmes, saying such policies are at odds with a Supreme Court decision in 2023 against affirmative action at universities.

From BBC

So how could this unusual situation play out, with two Nato allies at odds over a huge territory which is 80% covered with ice but has considerable untapped mineral wealth?

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


