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She has an angelic voice, and Bob has this craggy kind of Blues man’s croak.

From Salon

She said Sara had beautiful brown eyes, an angelic voice and a unique character.

From BBC

“She is so kind, so angelic, everybody on set just adores her. She’s a bright light in this world, really.”

But the rage, breakup-esque tunes are also paired with glimmering tracks of hope like “Muchas Gracias,” which includes an angelic interlude that poses the eternal question: How does one heal a broken heart?

The Tiffany Céleste Wings suite, which symbolizes “flight and fantasy” as per the brand, utilizes layers of diamonds and metal jutting out in contrasting directions, resulting in pieces that look like mini angelic creatures.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


