adjective as in accepted
Strongest matches
acknowledged, approved, authorized, confirmed, conventional, customary, endorsed, established, fashionable, popular, preferred, received, recognized, sanctioned, time-honored, universal, welcomed
adjective as in admissible
Strongest matches
Weak matches
acceptable, applicable, appropriate, concedable, fair, fitting, just, lawful, legal, legitimate, licit, likely, logical, not impossible, not unlikely, okay, passable, permitted, possible, probable, proper, rational, reasonable, right, suitable, tolerable, tolerated, warranted, worthy
adjective as in approved
Strongest matches
accepted, authorized, backed, endorsed, passed, permitted, ratified, recognized, sanctioned, supported
Weak matches
adjective as in free
Strongest matches
able, at large, clear, easy, independent, loose, open, unfettered, unrestricted
adjective as in immune
Strongest matches
Weak matches
favored, hardened to, insusceptible, irresponsible, licensed, not affected, not liable, not subject, privileged, protected, unanswerable, unliable, unsusceptible
adjective as in legal
Strongest matches
constitutional, contractual, fair, juridical, lawful, legitimate, proper, statutory, valid
Weak matches
acknowledged, authorized, card-carrying, chartered, clean, condign, decreed, due, enforceable, enforced, enjoined, forensic, granted, innocent, judged, judicial, just, justifiable, justified, legalized, legit, licit, on the level, on the up and up, ordained, passed, precedented, prescribed, protected, right, rightful, sanctioned, sound, straight, sure-enough, warranted, within the law
adjective as in licensed
Strongest matches
adjective as in permitted
Strongest matches
acceptable, allowable, approved, authorized, licensed, sanctioned
adjective as in recognized
Strongest matches
accepted, identified, known, perceived, remembered, sanctioned
Weak match
adjective as in sanctioned
adjective as in unrestricted
Strongest matches
Weak matches
able, at liberty, free-spirited, independent, lax, liberal, liberated, on one's own, open, relaxed, unbounded, uncommitted, unconstrained
adjective as in warranted
Strong matches
assured, certified, guaranteed, justified, sanctioned, secured
Weak match
Example Sentences
And at that time, I made that to mean that this wasn’t something that I was allowed to have.
One of the apparel acts restricted the width of these blocky shoes - only men of status were allowed to wear shoes of certain width.
I was so self-conscious and I allowed my worries to stop me doing things.
“I think they allowed us to continue to help because they were grateful for the help.”
Smoking would not be allowed in children's playgrounds and outside schools and hospitals in England, although it would not be banned in pub gardens, as had been suggested.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.