
View definitions for acquaintance


noun as in a person known informally

noun as in knowledge of something through experience

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I later learned Frannie’s was a restaurant on St Simons back in the day, but I suppose it could have been just the name of a friend or acquaintance.

From Salon

Family members, friends and acquaintances live side by side and in a jurisdiction whose motto is “United We Stand. Divided We Fall.”

From Salon

To give a sense of how serious this omission is, standard FBI background checks don't only include family and friends, but neighbors and casual acquaintances.

From Salon

The notes have come from friends and family, of course, but also casual acquaintances, distant work contacts and people I’ve never even met.

Asked if he ever actually confronted O’Neal about this, Howard said he attempted to have a mutual acquaintance arrange a “sit-down conversation” last year.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


