
Where as it is correct that the Scarecrow screwed up his attempt at calculus because Dorothy with her rural Kansas school education barely knows any. ( Some film critics insanely took this as a film error!!!!!!)

But why did Dorothy not suddenly realize the witch sent out flying monkeys? In your dream even if folks ignore you are still all knowing. Why also did Dorothy not know her friends were coming to rescue her? I look at the Tin Man played by two guys in the climbing sequence a dreaming element and not a mistake.

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Dream theory accommodates not being "all knowing" insofar as the brain activity is sorting/matching and doing other administrative organization of bits of information in the subconscious brain about which a person may not be consciously aware. Do you not remember a dream in which the plot twisted and turned and you didn't know what was next until it happened while you were dreaming?

Shucks, even when we're awake, we're not fully in control or have all knowledge. Have you ever tried to remember a word or term and said "it's on the tip of my tongue" - you know THAT you know it, but, for whatever reason, at that particular moment, you can't find it. It's somewhere in your brain, but you can't just go get it. So, clearly, your brain stored it somewhere, didn't tell you where, and you can't just go get it when you want...and then, when you least expect it..."oh yeah! I remember now!" Your brain just decided at some point to bring it forward into consciousness, but "you" had no control/knowledge of how, did you?!

Beyond that, your heart beats, your liver does what it does...whether awake or asleep, your body chugs along, there's a whole lot going on in our bodies that our brain controls, but over which we have little, if any, conscious control or knowledge. Truth is, we are not very "all knowing" about much in the human experience!

Do also consider, The Wizard of Oz was made in back in the late 1930s - scientific knowledge of dreams back then was nowhere near what it is today, and even modern psychologists will concede that it's difficult to really apply scientific method to dreams because testing is difficult to perform (not impossible - there are some nifty approaches to dream research, but reach is limited).

All that said, thanks for this provocative topic!

No. In my dreams I am all knowing. Dorothy should be too. What we are alike awake is 100 percent all immaterial beyond any measure. She ought to know and be able to see things happening elsewhere. You have no point in anything you said except thanks for the provocative topic. This movie fails utterly as a dream. She should have been able to figure things out and been rather clairvoyant.

They knew plenty, plenty, plenty back in the 30s too about dreams. You have not got a point there either. In the 1960s Twilight Zone ep starring Dennis Weaver as Adam Grant a man nightmaring of his own execution and he is correctly all knowing in his dream ( see my old postings) They have known since before the 20th century that we are all utterly all knowing in our dreams.

I will also add her dream explains the Tin Man's disappearing and reappearing ax ( another wrongly considered blooper by king retards) and the fact that she ( Dorothy not Tin) cannot hold onto sweets given to her in the dream. Plus, her changing length of hair. Also, why they change standing order after the Scarecrow chastised the Wizard for being a humbug and the Wiz's multiple broken promises. And more!



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