The Festival of The Lion King is an elaborate stage show located in Disney's Animal Kingdom that celebrates the music and story of the modern classic Disney film, The Lion King.
In honor of this classic show, we are sharing 10 fun facts and secrets about this classic part of Walt Disney World history.
1. Opening
This attraction opened along with the park on its original opening day.
2. Camp Minnie Mickey
This show opened as part of the temporary Camp Minnie Mickey section of the park in the current location of Pandora World of Avatar.
3. Reused Elements
This show actually reused elements from an earlier Disneyland parade as the floats in this show.
4. Hong Kong Version
A version of this show also operates at Hong Kong Disneyland.
5. Live Vocals
This show features a number of live performers who sing the classic songs from the film live for you on stage.
6. Outdoors
The theater for this show was originally partially opened to the outside.
7. Move
8. Seating
The various seating sections of the show have different names based on various African creatures like Giraffes and Elephants.
9. Performers
On top of singers, this show also features a variety of other kinds of performers, including gymnasts and fire performers.
10. Names
The four main performers all have special Swahili names, tying the show into its African setting and theme as a show featuring a tribe celebrating the story.
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