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H  Hac  Hae  Hagm  Hak  Hall  Hall, R  Halp  Ham  Hami  Hamm  Hamu  Hang  Hano  Hanst  Hard  Hardy  Harl  Harp  Harr  Harris  Harris, N  Harriso  Hart  Hartm  Harv  Has  Hass  Hat  Hau  Haw  Hay  Haym  He  Heat  Hee  Hei  Heis  Helm  Hen  Hendr  Henn  Henry  Hep  Herm  Herr  Herv  Hew  Hi  Hig  Hil  Hill, M  Hilt  Hint  Hit  Ho  Hoc  Hodg  Hoe  Hof  Hofm  Hol  Holl  Hollm  Hols  Hon  Hoo  Hop  Hor  Horo  Hos  Hou  Hov  Howe  Hoy  Hu  Hub  Hud  Huf  Hughes, P  Hum  Hun  Hunte  Hur  Hus  Hut  Hy 

Hill, M. Anne "ILR Review"
Hill, M. Anne; O'Neill, June "Journal of Human Resources"
Hill, M.T. "Atlantic Economic Journal"
Hill, Madalene; Barclay, Gwen "Grit"
Hill, Malcolm "Adoption & Fostering"
Hill, Malcolm A. M.; Satchell, Tracy; Troyer, Ryan M. "Pathogens"
Hill, Malcolm S.; Hill, April L. "The Biological Bulletin"
Hill, Malcolm; Lockyer, Andrew; Morton, Peter; Batchelor, Susan; Scott, Jane "ERIC: Reports"
Hill, Malcolm; McAulay, Laurie; Wilkinson, Adrian "Financial Management (UK)"
Hill, Mandy "Research Information"
Hill, Mandy; Granado, Misha; Opusunju, Jasmine; Peters, Ronald; Ross, Michael "American Journal of Health Studies"
Hill, Mandy; Hu, Na; Granado, Misha; Durrett, Angelita "American Journal of Health Studies"
Hill, Marc Lamont "Black Enterprise"
Hill, Margaret "Social Education"
Hill, Margaret B. Collins "Nephrology Nursing Journal"
Hill, Maria "NATE Classroom"
Hill, Marianne T. "Business Perspectives"
Hill, Marianne T. "Atlantic Economic Journal"
Hill, Marji "Australian Aboriginal Studies"
Hill, Mark "Indiana Business Magazine"
Hill, Mark "American Gunsmith"
Hill, Mark A. "Notre Dame Law Review"
HILL, MARK A.; JONES, RICHARD D. "Mortgage Banking"
Hill, Mark D.; Larus, James R. "Communications of the ACM"
Hill, Marquita K. "World Watch"
Hill, Martin "Database and Network Journal"
Hill, Martin "Software World"
Hill, Martin "Earth Island Journal"
Hill, Martin "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Hill, Martin "History Today"
Hill, Martin Roland "Australian International Law Journal"
Hill, Marvin C. "Rubber World"
Hill, Mary "The Journal of Employee Assistance"
Hill, Mary Anderson "Atlanta Review"
Hill, Mary Callahan; Barnes, W. Alan "The CPA Journal"
Hill, Mary H. "Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences"
Hill, Mary Lynne "Women and Language"
Hill, Mary; Risk, Ilene; Burnett, Cindy; Garcia, Wendy; Carter, Amy; Guerra, Lisa; Goodsell, Leona; "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Hill, Mary; Ruch, George W.; Price, Richard A., III "Strategic Finance"
Hill, Mary; Weber, Regina; Werner, Sandy "Behavioral Healthcare"
Hill, Marylu "Victorian Poetry"
Hill, Marylu "Nineteenth-Century Prose"
Hill, Marylu "Twentieth Century Literature"
Hill, Mathew "Tea & Coffee Trade Journal"
Hill, Matt "New Zealand International Review"
Hill, Matthew A.; Merickel, Frank "Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science"
Hill, Matthew B. "War, Literature & The Arts"
Hill, Matthew D.; Kelly, G. Wayne; Highfield, Michael J. "Financial Management"
Hill, Matthew D.; Kelly, G. Wayne; Lockhart, G. Brandon "Financial Management"
Hill, Matthew D.; Kelly, G. Wayne; Lockhart, G. Brandon; Van Ness, Robert A. "Financial Management"
Hill, Matthew; Mostafa, Sayed; Muganda, Perpetua M.; Jeffers-Francis, Liesl K.; Obeng-Gyasi, Emmanue "Diseases"
Hill, Matthew; Obeng-Gyasi, Emmanuel "Diseases"
Hill, Matthew; Sharma, Manjula "Teaching Science"
Hill, Matthew; Wagenaars, Erik "Photonics"
Hill, Max "The Globe"
Hill, Megan "Earth Island Journal"
Hill, Megan R. "International journal of communication (Online)"
Hill, Melanie S. "Studies in Meaning"
Hill, Melanie Sue; Nash, Alison; Citera, Maiyalice "Wagadu"
Hill, Melissa "Legacy Magazine"
Hill, Michael "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Hill, Michael "Community College Week"
Hill, Michael "Case Western Reserve Law Review"
Hill, Michael "Worcester Telegram & Gazette"
Hill, Michael "Utopian Studies"
Hill, Michael D. "Clinical Chemistry"
Hill, Michael Gibbs "Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese"
Hill, Michael; Klepper, David "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Hill, Michelle; Baker, Glenna; Carter, Deneen; Henman, Lita Jo; Marshall, Kristi; Mohn, Kristina; Mo "Journal of Neuroscience Nursing"
Hill, Michelle; DeWitt, Jessica "Journal of Neuroscience Nursing"
Hill, Mike "The People (London, England)"
Hill, Mike "Namibia Economist (Windhoek, Namibia)"
Hill, Mike "CLIO"
Hill, Miranda "BookPage"
Hill, Miriam "Florida Bar Journal"
Hill, Miriam "Grit"
Hill, Miriam Helen "Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science"
Hill, Miriam Helen "ERIC: Reports"
Hill, Mitchell; O'Toole, Rebecca; Kendrick, Christopher "New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science"
Hill, Monica "School Arts"
Hill, Monica "ERIC: Reports"
Hill, Monica R.; Hopkins, Mark R.; Knezevic, Claire E. "Clinical Chemistry"
Hill, Myrtle "Church History"
Hill, Myrtle "Irish Literary Supplement"
Hill, N. Nick "World Literature Today"
Hill, N.P. "The Middle East"
Hill, N.S. "Crop Science"
Hill, N.S.; Bouton, J.H.; Hiatt, E.E., III; Kittle, B. "Crop Science"
Hill, N.S.; Bouton, J.H.; Thompson, F.N.; Hawkins, L.; Hoveland, C.S.; McCann, M.A. "Crop Science"
HILL, N.S.; BROWN, E. "Crop Science"
Hill, N.S.; Hiatt, E.E., III; Bouton, J.H.; Tapper, B. "Crop Science"
Hill, Nancy "Earth Island Journal"
Hill, Nancy T.; McEnroe, John E.; Stevens, Kevin T. "The CPA Journal"
Hill, Nancy Thorley "Journal of Accountancy"
Hill, Nancy; Stevens, Kevin "Directors & Boards"
Hill, Nanette "The Dental Assistant"
Hill, Nanette R. "The Dental Assistant"
Hill, Napoleon "Success"
Hill, Nathan "E"
Hill, Nathan "SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics"
Hill, Nathan "The Tibet Journal"
Hill, Nathan "Kirkus Feature Articles and Interviews"
Hill, Nathan; DiDomenico, Nicole M. "E"
Hill, Ned C.; Swenson, Michael J. "Business Credit"
Hill, Nellie; Elliot, Maggie; Meyers, Courtney "Journal of Applied Communications"
Hill, Nellie; Meyers, Courtney; Li, Nan; Doerfert, David L.; Mendu, Venugopal "Journal of Applied Communications"
Hill, Nichola J.; Hussein, Islam T.M.; Davis, Kimberly R.; Ma, Eric J.; Spivey, Timothy J.; Ramey, A "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Hill, Nicholas W.; Patrick, Tabb D. "Engineer: The Professional Bulletin for Army Engineers"
Hill, Nicholas; Ling, Peter "History Today"
Hill, Nick "Bilingual Review"
Hill, Nicole "Canadian Journal of Sociology"
Hill, Nicole R. "Journal of Mental Health Counseling"
Hill, Nicole R. "Counselor Education and Supervision"
Hill, Nicole R. "Journal of Counseling and Development"
Hill, Nicole R.; Beamish, Patricia M. "Journal of Counseling and Development"
Hill, Nicole R.; Leinbaugh, Tracy; Bradley, Carla; Hazler, Richard "Journal of Counseling and Development"
Hill, Nicole; Fulgencio-Turner, Ben "Journal of Environmental Health"
Hill, Nicole; Perkowitz, Robert "Journal of Environmental Health"
Hill, Nicole; Waghela, Sweta "Journal of Environmental Health"
Hill, Norman "Monthly Labor Review"
Hill, Norman "Social Policy"
Hill, O.L. "Jack & Jill"
Hill, O.L. "U.S. Kids"
Hill, O.L. "Technical Communication"
Hill, Ordelle G.; Stillwell, Gardiner "Philological Quarterly"
Hill, Owen "The Brooklyn Rail"
Hill, Owen A. "The National Public Accountant"
Hill, Ozzie, Jr.; Moore, Debbie "NEA Today"
Hill, P.J. "Independent Review"
Hill, P.J. "Journal of Markets & Morality"
Hill, Pamela "U.S. Catholic"
Hill, Pamela D. "Pediatrics for Parents"
Hill, Pat "The Mirror (London, England)"
Hill, Pat "The People (London, England)"
Hill, Pat "Mother Earth News"
Hill, Pat; Parker, David "The People (London, England)"
HILL, PATRICE "World and I"
Hill, Patricia Evridge "Urban History Review"
Hill, Patricia R. "The Historian"
Hill, Patrick "The Mirror (London, England)"
Hill, Patrick "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Hill, Patrick "The People (London, England)"
Hill, Patrick "The Brooklyn Rail"
Hill, Patrick L.; Rule, Payton D.; Wilson, Megan E. "Social Sciences"
Hill, Patrick; Jack, David "The People (London, England)"
Hill, Patrick; Lewis, Anna "The People (London, England)"
Hill, Paul "Infantry Magazine"
Hill, Paul "South African Medical Journal"
Hill, Paul T. "Reason"
Hill, Paul T. "Education Next"
Hill, Paul T. "Policy Review"
Hill, Paul T. "Phi Delta Kappan"
Hill, Paul T. "ERIC: Reports"
Hill, Paul T.; Rainey, Lydia; Rotherham, Andrew J. "ERIC: Reports"
Hill, Paul T.; Roza, Marguerite; Harvey, James "ERIC: Reports"
Hill, Paul T.; Warner-King, Kelly; Campbell, Christine; McElroy, Meaghan; Munoz-Colon, Isabel "ERIC: Reports"
Hill, PAUL WILLIAMS Betting Courtesy Of William "The Mirror (London, England)"
Hill, Paul; Campbell, Christine; Menefee-Libey, David; Dusseault, Brianna; DeArmond, Michael; Gross, "ERIC: Reports"
Hill, Paul; Hannaway, Jane "ERIC: Reports"
Hill, Paul; Jochim, Ashley; Campbell, Christine "ERIC: Reports"
Hill, Paul; Johnston, Mike "Phi Delta Kappan"
Hill, Paul; Lake, Robin; Celio, Mary Beth; Campbell, Christine; Herdman, Paul; Bulkley, Katrina "ERIC: Reports"
Hill, Peggy "Humpty Dumpty's Magazine"
Hill, Peggy "Children's Playmate"
Hill, Penny "HFN The Weekly Newspaper for the Home Furnishing Network"
Hill, Peter "Financial Management (UK)"
Hill, Peter "Nation's Cities Weekly"
Hill, Peter "Journal of Electronic Defense"
Hill, Peter C. "Journal of Psychology and Theology"
Hill, Peter C.; Dunnington, Kent; Hall, M. Elizabeth Lewis "Journal of Psychology and Christianity"
Hill, Peter C.; Kaczor, Christopher "Journal of Psychology and Christianity"
Hill, Peter G.; Forsyth, Julia M.; Rai, Baldeep; Mayne, Stewart "Clinical Chemistry"
Hill, Peter J. "Independent Review"
Hill, Peter J. "Journal of Markets & Morality"
Hill, Peter P. "The Historian"
Hill, Peter R. "Journal of Soil and Water Conservation"
Hill, Peter S. "Reproductive Health Matters"
Hill, Peter S.; Dodd, Rebecca; Dashdorj, Khurelmaa "Reproductive Health Matters"
Hill, Peter S.; Huntington, Dale; Dodd, Rebecca; Buttsworth, Michael "Reproductive Health Matters"
Hill, Peter S.; Ly, Heng Thay "Reproductive Health Matters"
Hill, Phil "Harvard Journal of Law & Technology"
Hill, Philip "The Racing Post (London, England)"
Hill, Philip "Insurance Advocate"
Hill, Phillip "PS, the Preventive Maintenance Monthly"
Hill, Pixita del Prado; Phelps, Stephen; Friedland, Ellen S. "Multicultural Education"
Hill, R "The Racing Post (London, England)"
Hill, R. Althea "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
Hill, R. Jane "Risk Management"
Hill, R. Kevin "Nineteenth-Century Prose"
Hill, R.J. "Mechanical Engineering-CIME"
Hill, Rachael "The Mirror (London, England)"
Hill, Rachael Anne "The Mirror (London, England)"
Hill, Rachel "The Mirror (London, England)"
Hill, Rachel "The Women's Review of Books"
Hill, Rachel Anne "The Mirror (London, England)"
Hill, Rachel C.; Gold, Jeremy A. W.; Lipner, Shari R. "Journal of Fungi"
Hill, Rachel J.; Mason, Holly M.; Yeip, Gavin; Merchant, Samer S.; Olsen, Aaron L.; Stott, Rusty D.; "Arthritis"
Hill, Rachel Woodell "Missouri Law Review"
Hill, Rachelle; Younos, Tamim "Mother Earth News"
Hill, Ralan; Stoll, Kevin "Engineer: The Professional Bulletin for Army Engineers"
Hill, Ralph D.; Brinck, Tom; Patterson, John F.; Rohall, Steven L.; Wilner, Wayne T. "Communications of the ACM"
Hill, Randall T.G. "The American Indian Quarterly"
Hill, Randall W., Jr.; Han, Changhee; van Lent, Michael "AI Magazine"
Hill, Randall W., Jr.; Jacobstein, Neil "AI Magazine"
Hill, Raven "Diverse Issues in Higher Education"
Hill, Raven L. "Diverse Issues in Higher Education"
Hill, Rebecca "Labour/Le Travail"
Hill, Rebecca "Voice of Youth Advocates"
Hill, Rebecca "Teacher Librarian"
Hill, Rebecca A. "Voice of Youth Advocates"
Hill, Rebecca A. "Teacher Librarian"
Hill, Rebekah "William and Mary Law Review"
Hill, Rees; Slater, David "Systems"
Hill, Reinhold R. "CLIO"
Hill, Renee F. "Journal of Education for Library and Information Science"
Hill, Rhianna M.; Rocha, Sonia; Parsons, Jason L. "Cancers"
Hill, Rhonda L.; Jenkins, Carolyn "South Carolina Nurse"
Hill, Richard "The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine)"
Hill, Richard "New Zealand International Review"
Hill, Richard "Sky & Telescope"
Hill, Richard "Business Credit"
Hill, Richard "The Quill"
Hill, Richard "Australian Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis"
Hill, Richard C. "World Watch"
HILL, RICHARD W.; DACEY, JOHN W. H.; EDWARD, AHSER "The Biological Bulletin"
Hill, Richard W.; Dacey, John W.H.; Hill, David K.D.; McDowell, Judith E.; Leavitt, Dale F. "The Biological Bulletin"
Hill, Richard W.; Tattersall, Glenn J.; Campbell, Kevin L.; Reinfort, Breanne; Breit, Ana M.; Riewe, "Arctic"
Hill, Richard; Abrahams, Paul; Jayaratna, Nimal "Communications of the ACM"
Hill, Richard; Samuelson, Pamela "Communications of the ACM"
Hill, Richard; Schipper, Sid; Vaillancout, Alain; Glass, Robert "Communications of the ACM"
Hill, Rick "Wood & Wood Products"
Hill, Rick "National Defense"
Hill, Rick "Mortgage Banking"
Hill, Rick "Journal of Pan African Studies"
Hill, Rick; Bojokles, Cindy "Mortgage Banking"
Hill, Rickey "The Black Scholar"
Hill, Rob "MMR"
Hill, Robein Mackey "Alaska Business Monthly"
Hill, Robert "Journal of Social History"
Hill, Robert "Distance Learning"
Hill, Robert C.; Pollock, Robert; Dagle, Jeff; Shamsuddin, Shabbir; Donnelly, Paget "Pipeline & Gas Journal"
Hill, Robert D.; Backman, Lars "Age and Ageing"
Hill, Robert J.; Childers, JoEllen; Childs, Adrian P.; Cowie, Gail; Hatton, Annette; Lewis, Jamie B. "ERIC: Reports"
Hill, Robert J.; Daigle, Elizabeth Anne; Graybeal, Lesley; Walker, Wayland; Avalon, Christian; Fowle "ERIC: Reports"
Hill, Robert J.; Hill, T. Peter "Economic Inquiry"
Hill, Robert J.; Melser, Daniel "Economic Inquiry"
Hill, Robert L. "Oregon Business"
Hill, Robert L.; Brown, Craig; Burkhardt, D.C. Jesse; Kirkland, John; Eisler, Gary; White, Brian "Oregon Business"
Hill, Robert L.; Holderbaum, James F.; Boinchan, Boris; Decker, A. Morris "Journal of Soil and Water Conservation"
Hill, Robert R. "Government Finance Review"
Hill, Robert W. "Phi Kappa Phi Forum"
Hill, Roberta "Prairie Schooner"
Hill, Roberta "Black Renaissance/Renaissance Noire"
Hill, Robin "Database and Network Journal"
Hill, Robin Mackey "Alaska Business Monthly"
Hill, Roderick "Monthly Review"
Hill, Rodney "Film & History"
Hill, Rodney F. "Post Script"
Hill, Roger "Clinical Psychiatry News"
Hill, Roger "Internal Medicine News"
Hill, Roger "Mechanical Engineering-CIME"
HILL, ROGER "Microwave Journal"
Hill, Roger B. "Technology and Engineering Teacher"
Hill, Roger M. "International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management"
Hill, Roger; Alpine, Glen "Family Practice News"
Hill, Ronald J. "Mechanical Engineering-CIME"
Hill, Ronald Paul "Journal of Consumer Affairs"
Hill, Ronald Paul; Kozup, John C. "Journal of Consumer Affairs"
Hill, Ronald Paul; Martin, Kelly D. "Journal of Consumer Affairs"
Hill, Ronald R., Jr.; Muzumdar, Shailesh V.; Lee, L. James "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Hill, Rosemary "Habitat Australia"
Hill, Rosemary "Apollo"
Hill, Rosemary "Wines & Vines"
Hill, Rosemary; Figgis, Penny "Habitat Australia"
Hill, Rosemary; University, James Cook "The Conversation (Australia Edition)"
Hill, Roxanne "The National Public Accountant"
Hill, Roy "Guns Magazine"
Hill, Roy Mack "ETC.: A Review of General Semantics"
Hill, Roz "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Hill, Roz "Grit"
Hill, Ruth "Romance Notes"
Hill, Ruth A. "Association Management"
Hill, Ryan "All Hands"
Hill, Ryan D.; Armstrong, W. Jeffrey "Clinical Kinesiology: Journal of the American Kinesiotherapy Association"
Hill, Ryan L. "Journal of Political & Military Sociology"
Hill, Samantha "Humpty Dumpty's Magazine"
Hill, Samantha "Children's Playmate"
Hill, Samantha Rose; Fulfer, Katy "The Women's Review of Books"
Hill, Sandra "American Forests"
Hill, Sara "Success"
Hill, Sara "ERIC: Reports"
Hill, Sarah "Business Asia"
Hill, Sarah "Annali d'Italianistica"
Hill, Sarah "Voice of Youth Advocates"
Hill, Sarah "The Dissector: Journal of the Perioperative Nurses College of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation"
Hill, Sarah C.; de Vasconcelos, Jocelyne Neto; Granja, Bernardo Gutierrez; Theze, Julien; Jandondo, "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Hill, Sarah Patricia "Italica"
Hill, Sarah Patricia "Annali d'Italianistica"
Hill, Sarena; Bean, Wendy "Practically Primary"
Hill, Scott "Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy"
Hill, Scott A. "Security Management"
Hill, Sean "Phi Kappa Phi Forum"
Hill, Shannon; Lee, Elizabeth A.; Cramm, Heidi "Canadian Journal of Education"
Hill, Sharon "West Virginia Medical Journal"
Hill, Shaun "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Hill, Shelby "Variety"
Hill, Shelby; Doperalski, Dan "Variety"
Hill, Shelley "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Hill, Sheryal; Silva, Eugene de "Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science"
Hill, Sigrid "Insurance Advocate"
Hill, Silent "The Mirror (London, England)"
Hill, Simon J. "ColoradoBiz"
Hill, Simon L.; Dunn, Michael; Cano, Celine; Harnor, Suzannah J.; Hardcastle, Ian R.; Grundlingh, Jo "Clinical Chemistry"
Hill, Sonya Alexander "Art Business News"
Hill, Spencer A.; Lora, Juan M.; Khoo, Norris; Faulk, Sean P.; Aurnou, Jonathan M. "Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society"
Hill, Stephanie "International journal of communication (Online)"
Hill, Stephanie A. "Journal of Orthoptera Research"
Hill, Stephanie C. "National Defense"
Hill, Stephen "Alternatives Journal"
Hill, Stephen "Canadian Journal of Sociology"
Hill, Stephen W.; Mong, Samantha; Vo, Quyen "Open Journal of Occupational Therapy"
Hill, Stephen; Beger, Randall "Social Justice"
Hill, Stephen; Ferguson-Martin, Chris "Alternatives Journal"
Hill, Stephen; O'Sullivan, Diane "Australasian Journal of Regional Studies"
Hill, Stephen; Wilkinson, Adrian; Mohrman, Susan Albers; Tenkasi, Ramkrishnan; Lawler, Edward E., II "Employee Relations (Emerald Group Publishing)"
Hill, Steve "The Journal of Employee Assistance"
Hill, Steven "Financial Executive"
Hill, Steven "Washington Monthly"
Hill, Steven "The Humanist"
Hill, Steven "Inroads: A Journal of Opinion"
Hill, Steven "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Hill, Steven "The American Prospect"
HILL, STEVEN "Petersen's Hunting"
Hill, Steven "Sky & Telescope"
Hill, Steven "National Civic Review"
Hill, Steven C. "Inquiry"
Hill, Steven C.; Abdus, Salam "Health Services Research"
Hill, Steven C.; Solomon, Keisha T.; Maclean, Johanna Catherine; Pesko, Michael F. "Health Services Research"
Hill, Steven C.; Wooldridge, Judith "Health Services Research"
Hill, Steven C.; Zuvekas, Samuel H.; Zodet, Marc W. "Inquiry"
Hill, Steven R. "Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science"
Hill, Steven; Doughtie, Lynne "Financial Executive"
Hill, Steven; Richie, Rob "The Nation"
Hill, Steven; Richie, Robert "National Civic Review"
Hill, Stuart B. "Alternatives Journal"
Hill, Stuart B. "Systems Research and Behavioral Science"
Hill, Susan "Australian Journal of Language and Literacy"
Hill, Susan "Practically Primary"
Hill, Susan "Practical Literacy"
Hill, Susan C.; Drolet, Judy C. "Journal of School Health"
Hill, Susan C.; Lindsay, Gordon B. "Journal of School Health"
Hill, Susan Cole "Black Enterprise"
Hill, Susan D.; Boyer, Barbara C. "The Biological Bulletin"
Hill, Susan E. Kogler; Thomas, Edward G.; Keller, Lawrence F. "Planning for Higher Education"
Hill, Susan M. "Childhood Education"
Hill, Susan M. "The American Indian Quarterly"
Hill, Susan M.; McCallum, Mary Jane Logan "The American Indian Quarterly"
Hill, Susan T. "ERIC: Reports"
Hill, Susan; Diamond, Alexandra "Australian Journal of Language and Literacy"
Hill, Susan; Launder, Nicola "Australian Journal of Language and Literacy"
Hill, Susan; Spry, Belinda "Practically Primary"
Hill, Suzanne "Professional Engineering Magazine"
Hill, T. Patrick "The Hastings Center Report"
Hill, Talmira L. "Nation's Cities Weekly"
Hill, Talmira L. "ERIC: Reports"
Hill, Tamara; Haut, Cathy "Nephrology Nursing Journal"
Hill, Tanya "The Lamp"
Hill, Tanya "The Conversation (New Zealand Edition)"
Hill, Tanya "The Conversation (Australia Edition)"
Hill, Tara "ERIC: Reports"
Hill, Taresha D. "Military Police"
Hill, Taylor "Editor & Publisher"
Hill, Terrence D. "Southern Medical Journal"
Hill, Terrence D.; Cain, Daphne S. "Social Work"
Hill, Terry "Franchising World"
Hill, Terry; Mezey, Mathy; Mitty, Ethel "The Hastings Center Report"
Hill, Theodore P.; Arden, Rosalind "Stats"
Hill, Theodore P.; Fox, Ronald F. "Stats"
Hill, Thom "T H E Journal (Technological Horizons In Education)"
Hill, Thomas D. "The Review of English Studies"
Hill, Thomas D. "Philological Quarterly"
Hill, Thomas E., Jr. "William and Mary Law Review"
Hill, Thomas G.; Hill, David J. "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Hill, Thomas W.; Roth, Karen L. "Journal of the Medical Library Association"
Hill, Tiffany T.; Cooper, Ian R.; Gill, Param K.; Okonkwo-Dappa, Ada J.; Heykoop, Cheryl H. "Current Oncology"
Hill, Tiffany; Lannin, John; van Garderen, Delinda "Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom"
Hill, Tim "Frozen Food Digest"
Hill, Tim "Navy Supply Corps Newsletter"
Hill, Tim "Shooting Times"
Hill, Tim "The Dissector: Journal of the Perioperative Nurses College of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation"
Hill, Tim; Teel, Diana "Defense Acquisition"
Hill, Timothy "Tea & Coffee Trade Journal"
Hill, Timothy "Mech"
Hill, Timothy C.; Baverstock, Richard; Carlson, Kevin V.; Estey, Eric P.; Gray, Gary J.; Hill, Denis "Canadian Urological Association Journal (CUAJ)"
Hill, Timothy E. "Engineer: The Professional Bulletin for Army Engineers"
Hill, Toni "The Exceptional Parent"
Hill, Toya Richards "Sojourners Magazine"
Hill, Tracey "Theatre Notebook"
Hill, Tracey "Early Theatre"
Hill, Trevor "Aethlon: The Journal of Sport Literature"
Hill, Trish "Economic and Labour Relations Review"
Hill, Twanna LaTrice "ERIC: Reports"
Hill, Tyler W. "Yale Law Journal"
Hill, Ursula "Black Issues Book Review"
Hill, Vanessa J. "California CPA"
Hill, Vernon; Andelman, Bob "ABA Bank Marketing"
Hill, Vicki "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Hill, Vicki "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Hill, Vicki; Fulton, Rick "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Hill, Vicky "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Hill, Vicky "Sunday Mail (Glasgow, Scotland)"
Hill, Victoria J.; Zimmerman, Richard C.; Bissett, Paul; Kohler, David; Schaeffer, Blake; Coffer, Me "Remote Sensing"
Hill, Vincent R.; Cohen, Nicole; Kahler, Amy M.; Jones, Jessica L.; Bopp, Cheryl A.; Marano, Nina; T "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Hill, Virginia "Linguistics: an interdisciplinary journal of the language sciences"
Hill, W. Barry; Warden, H.M. "The Loyalist Gazette"
Hill, W. Nick "World Literature Today"
Hill, W. Paul "Infantry Magazine"
Hill, W. Speed "Renaissance Quarterly"
Hill, W. Stephen; Dohnalek, Margaret H.; Ha, Yejin; Kim, Seok-Jung; Jung, Jae-Chul; Kang, Seung-Baik "Nutrients"
Hill, Wade G. "The Pulse"
Hill, Walter R.; Ryon, Michael G.; Schilling, Elizabeth M. "Ecology"
Hill, Walter W. "The Humanist"
Hill, Washington C. "OB GYN News"
Hill, Wes "Artforum International"
Hill, Wes "The Conversation (Australia Edition)"
Hill, Wick "Database and Network Journal"
Hill, Wiliam "Plastics Engineering"
Hill, William "Real Estate Weekly"
Hill, William T. "Security Management"
Hill, William Tyrie/Lorna "The Mirror (London, England)"
Hill, Zack "Arkansas Business"
Hill-Ambroz, Kristi L.; Brown-Guedira, Gina L.; Fellers, John P. "Crop Science"
Hill-Anderson, Bethany "The Councilor: A Journal of the Social Sciences"
Hill-Anderson, Bethany; Harrison, Andria; Tardino, Andrea "The Councilor: A Journal of the Social Sciences"
Hill-Batorski, Lindsay; Hatta, Yasuko; Moser, Michael J.; Sarawar, Sally; Neumann, Gabriele; Kawaoka "Vaccines"
Hill-Besinque, Kathleen "Chain Drug Review"
Hill-Cawthorne, Lawrence "The Conversation (UK Edition)"
Hill-Clark, Kantaylieniere Y. "Childhood Education"
Hill-Clarke, Kantaylieniere Y.; Robinson, Nicole R. "ERIC: Reports"
Hill-Daniel, Sarah "Environmental Education"
Hill-Donhauser, Amber "The Niagara Falls Reporter (Niagara Falls, NY)"
Hill-Holliday, Tanya "Franchising World"
Hill-Lehr, Andria "Esprit de Corps"
Hill-Morrison, David Kanowakeron "The Loyalist Gazette"
Hill-Nelson, Lee "Grit"
Hill-Nelson, Lee "Fun For Kidz"
Hill-Parks, Erin "Film & History"
Hill-Trawick, Keila "Journal of Accountancy"
Hill-Vasquez, Heather "Early Theatre"
Hill-Ward, Laurel "Academic Exchange Quarterly"
Hillabrant, Walter "ERIC: Reports"
Hillaert, Amber; Sanmiguel Serpa, Luis Carlos; Xu, Yangfeng; Hesta, Myriam; Bogaert, Stephanie; Vand "Animals (Basel)"
Hillage, Jim; Aston, Jane "ERIC: Reports"
Hillaire-Marcel, Claude "Geoscience Canada"
Hillan, Olivia; Smith, Lee; Bishop, Simon; Allen, Peter M. "Vision"
Hillar, Annie "Conscience"
Hillar, Marian "Seventeenth-Century News"
Hillar, Marian "Free Inquiry"
Hillard, Benjamin "Florida Bar Journal"
Hillard, David A. "Camping Magazine"
Hillard, Derek "Nineteenth-Century French Studies"
Hillard, Elias Brewster "The Loyalist Gazette"
Hillard, James Randolph "Current Psychiatry"
Hillard, John "Mushroom News"
Hillard, Mitch "Army Logistician"
Hillard, Molly Clark "Narrative"
Hillard, Stuart "McCall's Quilting"
Hillard, Tom J. "Nathaniel Hawthorne Review"
Hillari Raj, Petricia; Subramanian, Prasanth; Nehru, Mohanraj; Ayyavoo, Saravanan; Annamalai, Nachal "Medicina"
Hillary Mucha "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Hillary Rodham Clinton "Issues in Science and Technology"
Hillary, Rory "The Mirror (London, England)"
Hillberry, Mary "Mother Earth News"
HILLBILLY ELEGY (15) .. ... BY ANDY LEA "Sunday Mercury (Birmingham, England)"
HILLBILLY ELEGY (15) .. ... BY ANDY LEA "Manchester Evening News (Manchester, United Kingdom)"
HILLBILLY ELEGY (15) .. ... BY ANDY LEA "Sunday Sun (Newcastle, England)"
Hillcoat, Guillermo "Revista Agroalimentaria"
Hillcoat, John; van Rensburg, Eureta Janse "Australian Journal of Environmental Education"
Hillcoat-Nalletamby, Sarah "Social Policy Journal of New Zealand"
Hillcoat-Nalletamby, Sarah; Dharmalingam, A. "Journal of Sociology"
Hillcourt, William "Saturday Evening Post"
Hillcrest, John "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Hillding, Emil "Thrasher"
Hille, Erik "Customer Interaction Solutions"
Hille, Frank; Gieschler, Stefanie; Brinks, Erik; Franz, Charles M. A. P. "Viruses"
Hille, Holger "Modern Casting"
Hille, Kathrin "YaleGlobal Online"
Hille, Kathrin; Johnston, Tim "DISAM Journal"
Hille, Russ "Molecules (Basel)"
Hille, Z.Z. "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Hille-Betz, Ursula; Vaske, Bernhard; Henseler, Helga; Soerge, Philipp; Kundu, Sudip; Makowski, Lars; "International Journal of Breast Cancer"
Hillebrand, Andrea "Sarasota Magazine"
Hillebrand, Malcolm; Kalosakas, George; Bishop, Alan R.; Skokos, Charalampos "Molecules (Basel)"
Hillebrant-Openshaw, Madisen; Dyson, Rachel; Wong, Maria "North American Journal of Psychology"
Hillebrecht, Theresa; Korbel, Rüdiger; Rinder, Monika; Gahr, Manfred "Animals (Basel)"
Hillebregt, Jill M. "Policy & Practice"
Hillegass, Ellen "Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Journal"
Hillegass, Ellen; Fick, Ann; Pawlik, Amy; Crouch, Rebecca; Perme, Christiane; Chandrashekar, Rohini; "Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Journal"
Hillegass, Ellen; Hayes, Dawn M.; Beauchamp, Laura; Gillespie, Samuel; Garrison, Crystal; Oliver, Ry "Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Journal"
Hillegass, Michael G.; Luebbert, Samuel F.; McClenahan, Maureen F. "Case Reports in Anesthesiology"
Hillege, Sharon; Gallagher, Susan; Evans, Jennifer "Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing"
Hillegonds, Paul "State Legislatures"
Hillel Italie "The Scotsman Online"
HILLEL ITALIE and CAROLYN THOMPSON Associated Press "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
HILLEL ITALIE and MARCY GORDON Associated Press "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
HILLEL ITALIE and MARK KENNEDY "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
HILLEL ITALIE and MARK KENNEDY AP Entertainment Writers "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Hillel Italie AP National Writer "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
Hillel Italie Associated Press "Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL)"
HILLEL ITALIE ECHO Correspondent [email protected] @LIVECHONEWS "Liverpool Echo (Liverpool, England)"
HILLEL ITALIE [email protected] "Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)"
Hillel, Inbar; Binderman, Itzhak; Sarda, Yifat; Nevo, Uri "Journal of Osteoporosis"
Hillel, Jonathan "Duke Law & Technology Review"
Hillel, Margo "Reading Time"
Hillel, Margot "Reading Time"
Hillel, Margot "Forum for World Literature Studies"
Hillel, Vered "Religions"
Hillemeier, Marianne M.; Davis, Lisa A.; Smith, Carol A. "ERIC: Reports"
Hillemeier, Marianne M.; Domino, Marisa E.; Wells, Rebecca; Goyal, Ravi K.; Kum, Hye-Chung; Cilenti, "Health Services Research"
Hillemeier, Marianne M.; Lynch, John; Harper, Sam; Casper, Michele "Health Services Research"
Hillemeier, Marianne M.; Weisman, Carol S.; Chase, Gary A.; Dyer, Anne-Marie; Shaffer, Michael L. "Health Services Research"
Hillen, John "Joint Force Quarterly"
Hillen, John "Strategic Forum"
Hillen, John F., III "Policy Review"
Hillen, Michaël; De Boi, Ivan; De Kerf, Thomas; Sels, Seppe; Cardenas De La Hoz, Edgar; Gladines, Jo "Mathematics"
Hillenbrand, Andreas; Lemke, Johannes; Henne-Bruns, Doris; Beer, Ambros J.; Prasad, Vikas "Case Reports in Endocrinology"
Hillenbrand, Candy "Australasian Public Libraries and Information Services"
Hillenbrand, Carole "The Journal of the American Oriental Society"
Hillenbrand, Darlene Peitz "National Catholic Reporter"
Hillenbrand, Markus; Gotze, Joachim; Muller, Paul "Journal of Digital Information Management"
Hillenbrand, Matthias; Esslinger, Christoph; Seidenberg, Jemima; Weber, Marcel; Zingg, Andreas; Town "Viruses"
Hillenbrand, Thomas; Tettenborn, Felix; Bloser, Marcus; Luther, Stephan; Eisenträger, Adolf; Kubelt, "Water"
Hillenbrand-Gunn, Theresa L.; Heppner, Mary J.; Mauch, Pamela A.; Park, Hyun-joo "Journal of Counseling and Development"
Hillengass, Jens; Hillengass, Michaela; Joseph, Janine M.; Attwood, Kristopher; Cannioto, Rikki; Jac "Cancers"
Hillenger, Ingrid M. "William and Mary Law Review"
Hillenius, Willem J. "Evolution"
Hilleque, Scott "Reason"
Hiller, Abby "The NBER Digest"
Hiller, Abigail "The NBER Digest"
Hiller, Andrea "Contract Pharma"
Hiller, Avram "Environmental Values"
Hiller, Benedikt T.; Azzi, Julia L.; Rennert, Mirko "Polymers"
Hiller, Bradley "The Conversation (Global Perspective)"
Hiller, Bradley "The Conversation (Africa Edition)"
Hiller, Bradley; Fisher, Judith "Sustainability"
Hiller, C.E.; Refshauge, K.M.; Beard, D.J. "Journal of Dance Medicine & Science"
Hiller, C.E.; Refshauge, K.M.; Herbert, R.D.; Kilbreath, S.L. "Journal of Dance Medicine & Science"
Hiller, Carl C. "ASHRAE Transactions"
Hiller, Carl C.; Johnson, Russell "ASHRAE Transactions"
Hiller, Clemens; Walter, Lukas; Helfricht, Kay; Weisleitner, Klemens; Achleitner, Stefan "Water"
Hiller, Diana "Parergon"
Hiller, Geoffrey G. "Notes and Queries"
Hiller, Harry H. "Canadian Journal of Sociology"
Hiller, Harry H.; Langlois, Simon "Canadian Journal of Sociology"
Hiller, Harry H.; Luzio, Linda Di "Canadian Journal of Sociology"
Hiller, J.; Silvers, A.; McIlroy, D.R.; Niggemeyer, L.; White, S. "Anaesthesia and Intensive Care"
Hiller, James K. "Newfoundland and Labrador Studies"
Hiller, Jeff "HFN The Weekly Newspaper for the Home Furnishing Network"
Hiller, Jokima L.; Forney, Jennifer L.; Brown, Eric A. "International Journal of Education Research (IJER)"
Hiller, Jonathan R. "Italica"
Hiller, Jonathan R. "Forum Italicum"
Hiller, Jordan "Tablet Magazine"
Hiller, Joshua "Writing Lab Newsletter"
Hiller, Julie Brooks "Fun For Kidz"
Hiller, Karen E. "School Arts"
Hiller, Karl-Anton; Wenzl, Verena; Forster, Eva-Maria; Cieplik, Fabian; Maisch, Tim "Microorganisms"
Hiller, Mark "Thrasher"
Hiller, Mark; Kriner, Douglas "Presidential Studies Quarterly"
Hiller, Payton "Guns Magazine"
Hiller, Peter "Arts & Activities"
Hiller, R. Scott; Savage, Scott J.; Waldman, Donald M. "Economic Inquiry"
Hiller, Stephen C.; Spradlin, Terry E. "ERIC: Reports"
Hiller, Susan "ColoradoBiz"
Hiller, Tamara "Natural Life"
Hiller, Teny Ray "The Futurist"
Hiller, Tim L.; Campa, III, Henry "Michigan Academician"
Hiller, Tim L.; Campa, III, Henry; Winterstein, Scott R.; Rudolph, Brent A. "The American Midland Naturalist"
Hiller, Tim L.; Tyre, Andrew J. "Northwestern Naturalist: A Journal of Vertebrate Biology"
Hiller, Tobias "Games (Basel)"
Hiller, Troy W.R.; O'Sullivan, Dylan E.; Brenner, Darren R.; Peters, Cheryl E.; King, Will D. "Environmental Health Perspectives"
Hiller-Garvey, Lisa "International Trade Forum"
Hiller-Garvey, Lisa; Aguilar, Macarena "International Trade Forum"
Hiller-Sturmhofel, Susanne; Kulkosky, Paul "Alcohol Research & Health"
Hiller-Sturmhofel, Susanne; Sobin, Josip; Mayfield, Dayne "Alcohol Research & Health"
Hiller-Sturmhofel, Susanne; Spear, Linda Patia "Alcohol Research: Current Reviews"
Hiller-Sturmhofel, Susanne; Swartzwelder, H. Scott "Alcohol Research & Health"
Hillerbrand, Hans "Church History"
HILLERBRAND, HANS J. "Church History"
Hillerbrand, Hans J. "The Historian"
Hillerer, Katharina Maria; Jacobs, Volker Rudolf; Fischer, Thorsten; Aigner, Ludwig "Neural Plasticity"
Hillerich, Gary R. "Trial"
Hillerman, Tony "Kirkus Feature Articles and Interviews"
Hillers, Delbert R. "The Journal of the American Oriental Society"
Hillerstrom, Hampus "The Exceptional Parent"
Hillert, Martin A., Jr. "Management Quarterly"
Hillert, Richard "Currents in Theology and Mission"
Hillery, Emily "Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand"
Hillery, Paula V.; Thompson, Stephen E. "Federal Reserve Bulletin"
Hillery, Tony "Children's Bookwatch"
Hilles, Rick "The Nation"
Hillesheim, Paul B. "Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine"
Hillesheim, Paul B.; Parker, John R.; Parker, Joseph C., Jr.; Escott, Edward; Berger, Joseph R. "Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine"
Hillestad, Charles A. "Oregon Business"
Hillestad, Ole-Christian "Economic Bulletin"
Hilley, K. "All Hands"
Hilley, Martha "American Music Teacher"
Hilley, Martha F. "American Music Teacher"
Hilley, Monique K. "All Hands"
Hillgren, Sonja "Agri Marketing"
Hillhouse, Heidi L.; Schacht, Walter H.; Masters, Robert A.; Sleugh, Byron B.; Kopp, Christopher W. "The American Midland Naturalist"
Hillhouse, Heidi L.; Zedler, Paul H. "The American Midland Naturalist"
Hillhouse, Joanne C. "Americas (English Edition)"
HILLHOUSE, LYNN "Contemporary Long Term Care"
Hillhouse, Todd "Anglican Journal"
Hillhouse, Vicki "PN - Paraplegia News"
Hilliar, Roy "Tea & Coffee Trade Journal"
Hilliard, Adam "Navy Supply Corps Newsletter"
Hilliard, Anthony "Arkansas Business"
Hilliard, Aouicha "French Forum"
Hilliard, Asa G. III "Journal of Teacher Education"
Hilliard, Asa G., III "Exceptional Children"
Hilliard, Asa G., III; Amankwatia, Baffour, II "ERIC: Reports"
Hilliard, Bonnie "Wines & Vines"
Hilliard, Brendan A.; Amin, Mamta; Popoff, Steven N.; Barbe, Mary F. "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"
Hilliard, Chloe A. "GIANT"
Hilliard, David "Journal of the Australian Catholic Historical Society"
Hilliard, David A. "Camping Magazine"
Hilliard, Donald, Jr. "Black Enterprise"
Hilliard, Howard "The Horn Call"
Hilliard, Jimmy; Schwartz, Adam; Squire, James "Financial Management"
Hilliard, Joan; Scott, Kelly "Presbyterian Record"
Hilliard, John "Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA)"
Hilliard, John "Mushroom News"
Hilliard, John "Wines & Vines"
Hilliard, Juli Cragg "Sarasota Magazine"
Hilliard, K.F. "Journal of European Studies"
Hilliard, K.F. "The Modern Language Review"
Hilliard, Kamden "West Branch"
Hilliard, Kamden "Prairie Schooner"
Hilliard, Kathleen "Journal of Social History"
Hilliard, Keith "The Family Handyman"
Hilliard, Laken; Smith, Tedra S. "Pediatric Nursing"
Hilliard, Margaret A.; Sela, David A. "Microorganisms"
Hilliard, Marie T. "The Hastings Center Report"
Hilliard, Marisa E.; Minard, Charles G.; Marrero, David G.; Wit, Maartje de; DuBose, Stephanie N.; V "Families, Systems & Health"
Hilliard, Nicholas; See, Teik Choon; Shaida, Nadeem "Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology"
Hilliard, Nicki "Arkansas Business"
Hilliard, Olive "Arkansas Business"
Hilliard, Richard "Database and Network Journal"
Hilliard, Robert A. "Engineer: The Professional Bulletin for Army Engineers"
Hilliard, Robert C. "Trial"
Hilliard, Robert C.; Johnson, Carra G. "Journal of Sport Behavior"
Hilliard, Robert D. "Childhood Education"
Hilliard, Ron "Sky & Telescope"
Hilliard, Ron "Texas Board of Nursing Bulletin"
Hilliard, Scott "PN - Paraplegia News"
Hilliard, Theresa DiPonio "Journal of Accountancy"
Hilliard, Thomas "ERIC: Reports"
Hilliard, Timothy M. "Security Management"
Hilliard, Tom "The Progressive"
Hilliard, Tom "Multinational Monitor"
Hilliard, Tom "ERIC: Reports"
Hilliard, Will "Anglican Journal"
Hilliard-Barnes, Starla "PN - Paraplegia News"
Hilliard-Boone, Tandrea; Firminger, Kirsten; Dutta, Tania; Cowans, Tamika; DePatie, Holly; Maurer, M "Health Services Research"
Hillier, Amy "Journal of Social Work Education"
Hillier, Andrew "Database and Network Journal"
Hillier, Bevis "Apollo"
Hillier, Bevis "History Today"
Hillier, Brad "Franchising World"
Hillier, Cathlene "Canadian Journal of Education"
Hillier, Cathlene "Canadian Journal of Sociology"
Hillier, Cathlene; Sano, Yujiro; Zarifa, David; Haan, Michael "Canadian Review of Sociology"
Hillier, D. John "Atoms"
Hillier, Dean; Alden, Joel; Fung, Jenny "MMR"
Hillier, Dean; Alden, Joel; Mityas, Melanie "MMR"
Hillier, Dean; Karki, Raju "MMR"
Hillier, Hilary "D.H. Lawrence Review"
Hillier, J.C.; Peace, K.; Hulme, A.; Healy, J.C. "Journal of Dance Medicine & Science"
Hillier, Jean "Environment and Planning D: Society and Space"
Hillier, John "International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management"
Hillier, Kaitlyn "Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy"
Hillier, Kaitlyn M. "Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy"
Hillier, Kimberly "The Conversation (Canada Edition)"
Hillier, Lynne "Hecate"
Hillier, Norma "Countryside & Small Stock Journal"
Hillier, Paul "Notes"
Hillier, Randy "Canadian Parliamentary Review"
Hillier, Russell M. "Renascence: Essays on Values in Literature"
Hillier, Russell M. "Papers on Language & Literature"
Hillier, Russell M. "The Modern Language Review"
Hillier, Sean; Phipps, David; Brown, Celia Haig "Journal of Research Administration"
Hillier, Sharon L.; Danby, Claire "Journal of Family Practice"
Hillier, Steve "LawNow"
Hillier, Susan "The Conversation (Australia Edition)"
Hillier, Timothy "The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin"
Hillier, Yvonne "ERIC: Reports"
Hilliker, Angie "The Conversation (US Edition)"
Hilliker, Bettie "EarthTalk: Questions & Answers About Our Environment. A Weekly Column"
Hilliker, Carrie "Pipeline & Gas Journal"
Hilliker, Lee "Film Criticism"
Hilling, Corbin D.; Fischer, Jason L.; Ross, Jason; Tucker, Taaja R.; DeBruyne, Robin L.; Mayer, Chr "Water"
Hilling, Hogan "The Exceptional Parent"
Hillinger, Alexandra "Translation & Interpreting"
Hillinger, Charles "American Forests"
Hillinger, Phyllis "Queen's Quarterly"
Hillinger, Sophie; Saeckler, Julia; Domig, Konrad J.; Dobrovolny, Stefanie; Hochegger, Rupert "Foods"
Hillis, Aaron "Variety"
Hillis, Bryan "Journal of Church and State"
Hillis, Danny "Communications of the ACM"
Hillis, Danny; McCarthy, John; Mitchell, Tom M.; Mueller, Erik T.; Riecken, Doug; Sloman, Aaron; Win "AI Magazine"
Hillis, David M. "Ecology"
Hillis, Erec "Camping Magazine"
Hillis, Eric "Spirituality & Health Magazine"
Hillis, Ethan; Bhattarai, Kriti; Abrams, Zachary "Journal of Personalized Medicine"
Hillis, Faith "Kritika"
Hillis, Kathy "Utah Business"
Hillis, Ken "Urban History Review"
Hillis, Laurie Berg "Medical Laboratory Observer"
Hillis, Mark "Guns Magazine"
Hillis, Peter "Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia"
Hillis, Peter "Church History"
Hillis, R. K. "School Arts"
Hillis, R.K. "School Arts"
Hillis, Richard "School Arts"
Hillis, Richard K. "School Arts"
Hillis, Scott "The Mirror (London, England)"
Hillis, Scott "The Birmingham Post (England)"
Hillis, Stan "Indiana Business Magazine"
Hillis, Susan; Ntwali N'konzi, Joel-Pascal; Msemburi, William; Cluver, Lucie; Villaveces, Andres; Fl "Pediatric Nursing"
Hillis, W. Daniel; Steele, Guy L., Jr. "Communications of the ACM"
Hillis, W. Daniel; Tucker, Lewis W. "Communications of the ACM"
Hillison, Joel R. "Parameters"
Hillison, William "Best's Review"
Hillison, William "Journal of Accountancy"
Hillison, William A. "Accounting Review"
Hillison, William; Pacini, Carl "Journal of Managerial Issues"
Hillison, William; Pacini, Carl; Sinason, David "The CPA Journal"
Hillls, Christine "Anglican Journal"
Hillman, Aaron W. "The American Dissident"
Hillman, Aaron W. "Paradoxism"
Hillman, Alan L. "Health Services Research"
Hillman, Alison E.; Lymbery, Alan J.; Elliot, Aileen D.; Ash, Amanda L.; Thompson, R.C. Andrew "Wildlife Biology"
Hillman, Amir; Fisher, Uriyel; Shapiro, Michael "Sustainability"
Hillman, Andrew K.; Ramis, Phil; Nielsen, Patrick; Rohren, Eric M. "Radiology Research and Practice"
Hillman, Arnold "ERIC: Reports"
Hillman, Barry "Mining Magazine"
Hillman, Benjamin Siracusa "Yale Law Journal"
Hillman, Betty Luther "Frontiers: A Journal of Women's Studies"
Hillman, Brenda "Northwest Review"
Hillman, Brenda "The American Poetry Review"
Hillman, Brenda "Chicago Review"
Hillman, Brenda "World Literature Today"
Hillman, Brenda "The Nation"
Hillman, Brenda "Phi Kappa Phi Forum"
Hillman, Brenda "Interim"
Hillman, Brenda "Colorado Review: A Journal of Contemporary Literature"
Hillman, Brenda; Hillman, Hellen; Macedo, Sebastiao Edson "Interim"
Hillman, Bruce "Shooting Industry"
Hillman, Bruce "Aethlon: The Journal of Sport Literature"
Hillman, Chris "Tea & Coffee Trade Journal"
Hillman, David "Shakespeare Studies"
Hillman, David C. "Solutions - for People, Processes and Paper"
Hillman, Deb "ONS Connect"
Hillman, Elizabeth "Contemporary Review"
Hillman, Elizabeth L. "Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law"
Hillman, Elizabeth Lutes "Yale Law Journal"
Hillman, Eugene "International Bulletin of Missionary Research"
Hillman, Harold "Free Inquiry"
Hillman, Heidi L. "The Behavior Analyst Today"
Hillman, Heidi L.; Miller, L. Keith "The Behavior Analyst Today"
Hillman, Jennifer "Ottawa Law Review"
Hillman, Jennifer "School Librarian"
Hillman, Jill "The Mirror (London, England)"
Hillman, Jim "PS, the Preventive Maintenance Monthly"
Hillman, Jim "The Mirror (London, England)"
Hillman, Jo "ERIC: Reports"
Hillman, John "Best's Review"
Hillman, John "Pakistan Development Review"
Hillman, John "Grit"
Hillman, John; Lehmann, R.J.; Bowers, Barbara "Best's Review"
Hillman, Kip "Corrections Today"
Hillman, Kip "Corrections Compendium"
Hillman, Kirsten "Canada-United States Law Journal"
Hillman, Kirsten "Australian Journal of Music Therapy"
Hillman, Kylie J.; Marks, Gary N. "ERIC: Reports"
Hillman, Laura "USA Today (Magazine)"
Hillman, Linda "Ceramics Art & Perception"
Hillman, Lindy; Poyner, Kyla "Australasian Public Libraries and Information Services"
Hillman, M. Danyelle "Distance Learning"
Hillman, Mark "Supply Chain Management Review"
Hillman, Mayer "Town and Country Planning"
Hillman, Mayer; Levett, Roger "Town and Country Planning"
Hillman, Melissa "The Informed Constituent (Albany, NY)"
Hillman, Nicholas "ERIC: Reports"
Hillman, Pam "Mississippi Magazine"
Hillman, Rich "Arkansas Business"
Hillman, Richard "Scottish Literary Review"
Hillman, Richard "ERIC: Reports"
Hillman, Robert A. "Law and Contemporary Problems"
Hillman, Robert A. "Michigan Law Review"
Hillman, Robert A.; Barakat, Ibrahim "Yale Journal of Law & Technology"
Hillman, Roger "Post Script"
Hillman, Roger "Journal of European Studies"
Hillman, Sean "Journal of Buddhist Ethics"
Hillman, Stephen J. "Rubber World"
Hillman, Susanne "Victorian Poetry"
Hillman, T. Allan "The Review of Metaphysics"
Hillman, Thomas "Canadian Journal of Education"
Hillman, Todd A.; Chen, Douglas A.; Fuhrer, Russell "Ear, Nose and Throat Journal"
Hillman, Velislava "International journal of communication (Online)"
Hillman, W. Kip "Corrections Compendium"
Hillman, W.Kip "Corrections Today"
Hillman, Wendy "Journal of Sociology"
Hillman, William "Kip" "Corrections Today"
Hillman, Wm. "Corrections Compendium"
Hillman, Zachary M. "The Journal of High Technology Law"
Hillman-Harrigan, Robyn "The Progressive"
Hillman-Harrigan, Robyn "The Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide"
Hillmann, Paula J. "ERIC: Reports"
HILLMANSEN, S.; HOBEIKA, S.; HAWARD, R.N.; LEEVERS, P.S. "Polymer Engineering and Science"
Hillmer, Linda "Defense AT & L"
Hillmer, Linda "National Defense"
Hillmer, Linda "Phi Kappa Phi Forum"
Hillmer, Michael; Sandoval, Guillermo A.; Elliott, James A.; Jain, Meera; Barker, Tiffany; Prisniak, "Canadian Journal of Public Health"
Hillmer, Paul; Yang, Mary Ann "Hmong Studies Journal"
Hillmer-Pegram, Kevin "Alaska Business Monthly"
Hillmert, Steffen "International Advances in Economic Research"
Hillock, Poh Wah "The Australian Mathematics Education Journal (AMEJ)"
Hillocks, Roy J. "African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development"
Hillringhouse, Linda "Prairie Schooner"
Hillringhouse, Mark "The American Poetry Review"
Hills, Alex "Alaska Business Monthly"
Hills, Alice "British Journal of Criminology"
Hills, Alison "The Review of Metaphysics"
Hills, Andrew P. "Nutrition & Dietetics: The Journal of the Dietitians Association of Australia"
Hills, Ann "History Today"
Hills, Bill "Petersen's Hunting"
Hills, Brianna S. "Missouri Law Review"
Hills, C. A. R. "Contemporary Review"
Hills, C.A. R. "Contemporary Review"
Hills, C.A.R. "Contemporary Review"
Hills, Caroline Mary; Levett-Jones, Tracy; Lapkin, Samuel "Open Journal of Occupational Therapy"
Hills, Caroline; Boshoff, Kobie "Open Journal of Occupational Therapy"
Hills, Catherine "History Today"
Hills, Catherine "Notes and Queries"
Hills, Chilina "Communication World"
Hills, Christina, Ed. "ERIC: Reports"
Hills, Christine "Anglican Journal"
Hills, Claire "Coventry Evening Telegraph (England)"
Hills, D.A. "Rubber World"
Hills, David "The Philosophical Review"
Hills, David; Pyott, Alison "New Hampshire Business Review"
Hills, Elinor; Woodland, Mark B.; Divaraniya, Aparna "Medicina"
Hills, Geoffrey "Journal of Electronic Defense"
Hills, Gerald E.; LaForge, Raymond W. "Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice"
Hills, Graham "The Architectural Review"
Hills, Grgion "Art Culinaire"
Hills, Helen "Renaissance Quarterly"
Hills, Helen "Arena Magazine"
Hills, Helen "Church History"
Hills, Howard "Training Journal"
Hills, Humphrey B., II "CML Army Chemical Review"
Hills, J. "Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland"
Hills, John "Oxford Review of Economic Policy"
Hills, John "Existential Analysis"
Hills, John B. "Anglican Journal"
Hills, Jr., Roderick M. "Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy"
Hills, Jr., Roderick M. "Constitutional Commentary"
Hills, Jr., Roderick M. "Michigan Law Review"
Hills, Jr., Roderick M.; Schleicher, David N. "Case Western Reserve Law Review"
Hills, Julian V. "Theological Studies"
Hills, Julian V. "The Journal of Theological Studies"
Hills, Kellen "Medical Product Outsourcing"
Hills, Kellen "Orthopedic Design & Technology"
Hills, Kelly Milner "U.S. Kids"
Hills, Laura "Physician Leadership Journal"
Hills, Laurel K. "Fun For Kidz"
Hills, Marcia; Mullett, Jennifer; Carroll, Simon "Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica"
Hills, Marvin D. "The Tax Adviser"
Hills, Matt "Post Script"
Hills, Matt "Critical Studies in Television"
Hills, Miriam "Variety"
Hills, Parker "Canadian Journal of History"
Hills, Paul "Renaissance Quarterly"
Hills, Paul "Art and Christianity"
Hills, Paul "Apollo"
Hills, Rachel "Girls' Life"
Hills, Rachel "Pipeline & Gas Journal"
Hills, Roberta "Colorado Nurse"
Hills, Roberta G.S.; Hanchett, Effie "Visions: The Journal of Rogerian Nursing Science"
Hills, Roberta G.S.; Hanchett, Effie S. "Visions: The Journal of Rogerian Nursing Science"
Hills, Roderick "Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy"
Hills, Roderick J., Jr.; Schleicher, David "Regulation"
Hills, Roderick M. "Directors & Boards"
Hills, Roderick M. "Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy"
Hills, Roderick M., Jr. "Fordham Urban Law Journal"
Hills, Roderick M., Jr. "Notre Dame Law Review"
Hills, Roderick M., Jr. "Stanford Law Review"
Hills, Roderick M., Jr. "Albany Law Review"
Hills, Roderick M., Jr. "University of Pennsylvania Law Review"
Hills, Roderick M., Jr. "Michigan Law Review"
Hills, Roderick M., Jr.; Schleicher, David "Regulation"
Hills, Rodnicka "Children's Technology and Engineering"
Hills, Rory "The Conversation (New Zealand Edition)"
Hills, Rory "The Conversation (UK Edition)"
Hills, Sarah "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Hills, Susan L.; Fischer, Marc "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Hills, Susan L.; Morrison, Andrea; Stuck, Shawna; Sandhu, Kayleigh; Mason, Krystal L.; Stanek, Danie "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Hills, Susan L.; Phillips, Deborah C. "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Hills, Susan L.; Russell, Kate; Hennessey, Morgan; Williams, Charnetta; Oster, Alexandra M.; Fischer "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report"
Hills, Thomas D. "North Carolina Banking Institute"
Hills, Thomas; Sharpe, Caitlin; Wong, Thomas; Cutfield, Tim; Lee, Arier; McBride, Stephen; Rogers, M "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Hills, Tony "The Mirror (London, England)"
Hills, Vanessa S. "Journal of Managerial Issues"
Hills-Parks, Erin "Film & History"
Hillsborough, Andy Dunn "The People (London, England)"
Hillsdon, Mark "The Mirror (London, England)"
Hillside haven "Sunday Mirror (London, England)"
Hillsley, Ashley Brett; McLachlan, Craig Steven "Pharmaceuticals"
Hillsman, Bill "ADWEEK"
Hillsman, John R. "Trial"
Hillsman, Terron L.; Kupritz, Virginia W. "ERIC: Reports"
Hillson, Jack "Microwave Journal"
Hillstock, Laurie G. "ERIC: Reports"
Hillstrom, Scott "Franchising World"
Hillstrom, Tim L. "Microwave Journal"
Hillung, Julia; Olmo-Uceda, María J.; Muñoz-Sánchez, Juan C.; Elena, Santiago F. "Viruses"
Hilly, Geofrey; Vojinovic, Zoran; Weesakul, Sutat; Sanchez, Arlex; Hoang, Duc Nguyen; Djordjevic, Sl "Water"
Hilly, Martha "American Music Teacher"
Hillyard, Dominic "The Mirror (London, England)"
Hillyard, Michael J. "Parameters"
Hillyard, William "Earth Island Journal"
Hillyer, George V. "Puerto Rico Health Sciences Journal"
Hillyer, Howard L. "The Horn Call"
Hillyer, Linda "The Exceptional Parent"
Hillyer, Linda "PN - Paraplegia News"
Hillyer, Matthew B.; Nam, Sunghyun; Condon, Brian D. "Molecules (Basel)"
Hillyer, Michael "Designfax"
Hillyer, Quin "The Wilson Quarterly"
Hillyer, Trae; Shin, Woo Shik "Antibiotics"
Hillygus, D. Sunshine "Presidential Studies Quarterly"
Hillygus, D. Sunshine; Shields, Todd "Presidential Studies Quarterly"
Hilma, Elena; Mierlita, Dan; Teusdea, Alin Cristian "Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings"
Hilmantel, Robin "Girls' Life"
Hilmarsson-Dunn, Amanda "ERIC: Reports"
Hilmayanti, Erina; Huang, Xuhao; Salam, Supriatno; Nurlelasari; Supratman, Unang; Kabayama, Kazuya; "Current Issues in Molecular Biology"
Hilmer, Andreas "APB Magazine"
Hilmer, Christiana E. "The Sport Journal"
Hilmer, Frederick G.; Donaldson, Lex "The McKinsey Quarterly"
Hilmer, Jeffrey D. "Anarchist Studies"
Hilmer, Michael J. "Southern Economic Journal"
Hilmer, Michael J.; Hilmer, Christiana E. "Economic Inquiry"
Hilmer, Michael; Hilmer, Christiana E. "Economic Inquiry"
Hilmers, David C. "Journal of Family Practice"
Hilmersson, Mikael; Johanson, Martin "Management International Review"
Hilmersson, Mikael; Schweizer, Roger; Chetty, Sylvie "Management International Review"
Hilmes, Michele "The Wilson Quarterly"
Hilmes, Michele "Critical Studies in Television"
Hilmi, Indah Laily; Alfian, Sofa D.; Abdulah, Rizky; Puspitasari, Irma Melyani "Medicina"
Hilmi, Lisa M. "Maryland Nurse"
Hilmiyati-Mas’adah, Hilda; Sudiro, Achmad; Rohman, Fatchur; Yuniarinto, Agung; Hakam, Dzikri Firmans "Sustainability"
Hilmo, Maidie "The Journal of the Early Book Society for the Study of Manuscripts and Printing History"
Hilo de Souza, Everton; Massarioli, Adna P.; Moreno, Ivani A.M.; Souza, Fernanda V.D.; Ledo, Carlos "Revista de Biologia Tropical"
Hilotin, Jay "Gulf News (United Arab Emirates)"
Hilovsky, Dalton; Hartsell, Joshua; Young, Jamey D.; Liu, Xiaojing "Metabolites"
Hilovsky, Jeff "Success"
Hilowitz, Harv; Chan, Kai M.A.; Roux, Christina "E"
Hilowle, Nasra Mohamud; Ahmed, Said Abdirahman; Yusuf Ali, Khadija; Altinel, Ercan; Waberi, Mohamud "Anesthesiology Research and Practice"
Hilpert, Jonathan; Carrion, Melissa; Brem, Sarah K.; Ciani, Maria; Ciani, Keith "American Journal of Health Studies"
Hilpert, Kai; Munshi, Tulika; López-Pérez, Paula M.; Sequeira-Garcia, Joana; Bull, Tim J. "Microorganisms"
Hilpert, Kai; Munshi, Tulika; López-Pérez, Paula M.; Sequeira-Garcia, Joana; Hofmann, Sven; Bull, Ti "Microorganisms"
Hilpert, Paul "The Family Handyman"
Hilpert, Quentin "Mechanical Engineering-CIME"
Hilpert, Quentin; Davis, Robert D., Jr.; Chrisman, David C. "Mechanical Engineering-CIME"
Hilpirt, Rod; Wysong, Scott; Hartley, Sheila; Latino, Mike; Zabkar, Andrea "The Sport Journal"
Hilpus, Arti "Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin"
Hils, Miriam "Variety"
Hils, Miriam; Williams, Michael (British actor) "Variety"
Hils, Mirian "Variety"
Hilsabeck, Paige "Wildfowl"
Hilscher, Kristopher J. "Florida Bar Journal"
Hilscher, Randall L.; Bartley, Alise G.; Zarski, John J. "Families, Systems & Health"
Hilscher, Roman Simon; Zeidan, Vera "International Journal of Difference Equations"
Hilscher, Roman Simon; Zemanek, Petr "International Journal of Difference Equations"
Hilscher, Roman; Zeidan, Vera; Kratz, Werner "Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications"
Hilse, Audra "The Objective Standard"
Hilse, Laura "The Objective Standard"
Hilse, Nikoline; Kriegeskorte, Max; Fischer, Jonas; Spatz, Phil; Illana, Enric; Schiemann, Martin; S "Processes"
Hilsenrath, Cristina "Variety"
Hilsenrath, Peter; Eakin, Cynthia; Fischer, Katrina "Inquiry"
Hilser, Harry "Environmental Values"
Hilsman, Gordon J. "National Catholic Reporter"
Hilsmier, Amanda Strong; Wehby, Joseph H.; Falk, Katherine B. "Reading Improvement"
Hilson, Melvin; Jamil, Jerin; Louis, Alex T. St. "Georgia Journal of Science"
Hilson, RaShan "Black Enterprise"
Hilson, Robert "Florida Bar Journal"
Hilst, Randy "Reason"
Hilstob, Kayla; Massie, Alicia "Labour/Le Travail"
Hilsum, Lindsey "Nieman Reports"

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