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!!Medical device alert!!

The MHRA has issued an alert for all medical devices and medicinal products containing chlorhexidine following numerous reports of anaphylactic reactions after the use of these products.

The MHRA does not hold a comprehensive list of products containing chlorhexidine. However, examples of products which contain chlorhexidine are: antiseptic creams, wipes, cleansers and skin preparations; antiseptic mouthwashes, toothpastes and dental implants; eye drops and contact lens solutions; antiseptic lozenges and throat sprays; urinary catheters; central venous catheters; and antimicrobial dressings.

The following advice has been issued:

* Be aware of the potential for an anaphylactic reaction to chlorhexidine.

* Ensure that known allergies are recorded in patient notes.

* Check the labels and instructions for use to establish if products contain chlorhexidine prior to use on patients with a known allergy.

* If a patient experiences an unexplained reaction, check whether chlorhexidine was used or was impregnated in a medical device that was used.

* Report allergic reactions to products containing chlorhexidine to the MHRA.

* Further guidance on anaphylaxis is available from NICE, the Resuscitation Council and the AAGBI.

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Title Annotation:Information; alert for all medical devices and medicinal products containing chlorhexidine
Publication:Podiatry Review
Article Type:Brief article
Geographic Code:4EUUK
Date:Jan 1, 2013
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