wing covert

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wing covert

(Zoology) any of the covert feathers of the wing of a bird, occurring in distinct rows
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Swordfish (15) Ludicrous but hugely entertaining high octane action thriller with Hugh Jackman's hacker blackmailed into helping John Travolta's ultra right wing covert ops boss pull off a bank heist.
Each of these leucistic birds looks slightly different as many have one or two black or grey feathers and some have the ghosting of the striped plumage on the wing coverts. It is a similar principle to albinism but these birds have black eyes and legs.
Jays are the most colourful members of the crow clan, glorying in distinctive pink body plumage, striking azure blue wing coverts, an equally striking, erectile black and white crown, a black moustache, a prominent white rump and surprisingly blue eyes!
They can be identified from their black flight feathers and their red wing coverts.
Most or all of the wing coverts were new, although some of the greater coverts appeared to be still growing.
Most of the plumage is pinkish-white, but the wing coverts are red and some of the feathers are black.
During six years of studies of breeding ecology in two large dovekie colonies in West Spitsbergen, we recorded one albino chick (white feathers, red eyes, pinkish legs and feet), one adult or subadult with a "brown" aberration (all black parts turned dark brown), one adult in a typical summer plumage with depigmented (pinkish) legs and feet, and one chick in a typical plumage, but with whitish feathers on back and wing coverts. Albinism and "brown" mutations are heritable traits.
My eyes homed in as I watched the chestnut-red-colored head and neck begin to lift, followed by the ashen-colored wing coverts vermiculated with black, flapping through the air as the Benelli swung, belching its deadly payload of BlackCloud.
Vital organs lie inside the upper half of the folded wing, beneath the wing coverts. A low shot will still break one or both legs.
With wing coverts of mottled or solid white, it has a long slender neck, regal white crown, face and throat of brilliant blue, and an electric-blue turkey-like wattle extending from its neck.