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(Biography) Orde (Charles) (ɔːd). 1903–44, British soldier. During World War II he organized the Chindits in Burma (Myanmar) to disrupt Japanese communications. He died in an air crash
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* To be used by visitors to the Wingate Special Children's Trust in Wrenbury, Cheshire
President Mrs Wingate welcomed everyone and after the Rural Song was sung, a minute's silence was held for Mrs Gwen Dickson who passed away recently.
Arbor provided the loan for Wingate Apartments, a 211-unit complex.
Wingate, in the east of the county, was left without a representative following the death of Coun Robert 'Leo' Taylor, who died in December aged 77.
Yosef Eshed fought with British officer Orde Wingate during the 1936 Arab revolt and established Kibbutz Hanita; so at 102 he was a little surprised to receive a letter asking his parents to enroll him in kindergarten -- but he doesn't mind going 'if they insist!'
Here Wingate Infants' School, Church Street, Wingate, TS28 5AQ, is put into focus to show its scores in relation to other schools in the area.
Gatwick chief executive Stewart Wingate said: "This is good news for the airport as it will mean continuity but also further investment for passengers over the coming years to improve our services."
Delta has announced The Hill newspaper has selected Heather Wingate, Delta senior vice president of government affairs as one of 2018's top 50 Washington professionals on the front lines of the nation's most consequential political and policy battles, the company said.
Gail Wingate, 53, swiped the funds while working at a shipping firm's Paisley offices by moving cash into a joint account she shared with her partner.
Before and 3 days after the training intervention, participants performed a 30 s anaerobic Wingate test followed by short repeated bursts of maximal cycling (5x6 s with 20 s recovery).
The Wingate sports coaches will be running fun activities including parachute games and obstacle courses.
The shooting took place Monday in the town of Wingate. The victim has been identified as Prentis Robinson, 55.