

not made level
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Furthermore, unlevelled fields, old water distribution system (warabandi) and outdated irrigation methods such as flood irrigation also contribute to water losses at large scale.
Unlevelled fields, old water distribution system (warabandi) and outdated irrigation methods (flooding) also contribute to water losses.
Furthermore, the country's underground economy, which accounts for 40% of the Egyptian economy, creates an unlevelled playing field and decreases the competitiveness of investors that adhere to the law.
Drivers in the desert require skill and craftsmanship in such unlevelled areas, and it can sometimes be dangerous to those who have not mastered the art of driving through sand dunes," said Col Al Balzoud.
Meantime, the ISIL terrorists withdrew from unlevelled and rocky regions in Taloul al-Safa as the Syrian army is advancing.
Honourable negotiation is not possible when the courts place the parties on an unlevelled playing field, which is one effect of shielding private interests from title claims by relying on equity to support exercises of judicial discretion which minimize the protections afforded constitutional rights.
However, stage III has extensive unlevelled land at the head and tail reaches due to which a lot of water is wasted and consequently added to the groundwater.
A worn- out athletics track, unlevelled and poorly maintained sports ground as well as shoddy upkeep of infrastructure sum up the scene MAIL TODAY encountered on Saturday at the city's Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium sports complex that was termed an " engineering marvel" during the 2010 Commonwealth Games.
Similarly, the unlevelled, irregular and silted channel caused hindrance in conveying the harvested rainwater from head to tail section of rod kohi.
Thus there is no unlevelled field in constitutional theory that needs to be levelled.
Municipalities in Ontario don't have the luxury to develop discretionary incentives, thus compete on an unlevelled playing field.