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References in classic literature ?
And while Bill or Jerry or Tom is beginning to unlimber his thinking and speaking apparatus, I suggest that he join us in the drink.
The gun he drove had been unlimbered near Horsell, in order to com- mand the sand pits, and its arrival it was that had precipi- tated the action.
But the guns remained loaded, the loopholes in blockhouses and entrenchments looked out just as menacingly, and the unlimbered cannon confronted one another as before.
He was not in a pleasant humor; and every time I hinted that perhaps this contract was a shade too hefty for a novice he unlimbered his tongue and cursed like a bishop -- French bishop of the Regency days, I mean.
It's a home-run every time when you get your deductive theories unlimbered. Yes, George; the stage it is.
They were supposed to protect the train crews, but whenever trouble started they unlimbered their rifles and joined the mob.
These problems have been conspicuous in the last two congresses, when the Republicans held majorities in both chambers and had strong incentives to unlimber legislative powers.
The heroic Under-sheriff Cavanaugh overcame both surprise and mortal wounds to return fire even as he fell, buying time for brother officers to unlimber their guns and shoot the cop-killer.
It didn't take me long to unlimber my Model 700 and place a Hornady 129-grain SST in his shoulder.
(3.) "sills patraque -- rest au lit." Lili Boulanger's diaries are housed in the Bibliotheque nationale de Fance (BNF): the catalog unlimber lOr her 1916 than.
Remind your older male customer that his wife will particularly appreciate this lighter recoil, should she be the one who has to unlimber the household defense shotgun.