

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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In para-median approach as there are less chances of developing PDPH10 and it can be performed in an unflexed spine9.
"It's going to feel kind of like your rich, eccentric uncle's house--the guy who's traveled all around the world and picked up amazing objects," says Trigano of letting artists flex previously unflexed muscles and experiment with new forms.
While I am in the bed, I am unable to sit up because the injured area must remain unflexed. Around the six-week mark, a physical therapist will slowly work on my hips' range of motion and getting me back in my chair in five-minute increments.
She flexed and unflexed her toes, several times in a row, to relax them.
--The unflexed thin-wall cup has a cylindrical shape;
Infraorbital foramen large and open laterally, with a nearly vertical rostrum and unflexed superior zygomatic root, so that the foramen appears almost triangular when viewed from the front.
At up to 100x, the unflexed spheroidal mirror gave acceptable stellar and lunar images.
(For unflexed film, Toppan's GL has oxygen and moisture barrier between those of the other two films.)
The best examples are snap-fits, which contain an element that flexes past an interference and rapidly returns to its unflexed position (Fig.
With blackened, hollowed eyes and earth-toned leotards, they crawled like prehistoric insects, hopped on one leg, crouch-walked, flexed and unflexed feet and hands, and sat joined in a long twisting line, only to topple like a set of dominoes.
"I relaxed, like a taut bowstring gently unflexed, its arrow withdrawn," Allyn later wrote.