

not able to be filled
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"If you take your best players out it always has an impact so we have got to make sure that all the other guys, our senior players and our younger players, all step up and fill what are almost unfillable shoes as he is almost the best player in the world."
"If you take your best players out, it always has an impact so we have to make sure all the other guys step up and fill almost unfillable shoes."
Statements told of a "lively, funny and delightful young man, beloved by his family, the adored and adoring father of his children whose loss has left a gaping and unfillable hole in many lives".
That hole is unfillable but Kieran is the first name I would think of.
A: "If only we had ____, she would still be alive." Please don't torture yourself trying to fill that unfillable blank.
The song Big God is about "obviously, an unfillable hole in the soul," Welch said, "but mainly about someone not replying to my text."
In spite of the fact that Kenya is not a communist, the government should take an initiative of doing away with this problem once and for all lest the fault becomes unfillable.
To love the sweetened tang means feasting on it without leaving a trace, not to say its best because the candy tin of desire must be unfillable anytime to make room for the ever-upgrading New Tang of love-its in-tang-ible content realizes its richness.
In my garden unfillable slugs were the winners Not barmy barbeques and patio dinners.
In a touching statement to Mr Povah, the family said: "The passing of John Povah has left an unfillable void in our family.