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(Anatomy) anatomy (of veins) next to the cardinal veins
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During the fifth to the eighth week of embryonic period, the IVC develops as a composite structure via chronological events of formation, regression, anastomosis and substitution of three symmetrical sequential pairs of veins, the posterior cardinal, subcardinal and supracardinal (Artico et al., 2004).
The paired subcardinal veins are the next to appear with the right subcardinal vein forming the suprarenal segment of IVC and the left subcardinal system regressing.
In chronological order of appearance, they are named postcardinal, subcardinal, and supracardinal veins.
The one described by Shulman in 1997, which states the persistence of the subcardinal vein as IVC, seems to be the most accepted one [16].
La vena subcardinal derecha va a dar origen a la porcion renal y suprarrenal de la vena cava inferior.
It involves a complex process comprising 3-pairs of embryogenic veins: posterior cardinal (iliac and confluent), subcardinal (renal and hepatic) and supracardinal (prerenal).
The right subcardinal vein develops into the suprarenal segment by subcardinal-hepatic anastomoses.
While the anterior CVs persist for their most part as permanent vessels, the posterior ones undergo from the 5th week of development (asymmetric stage) regressive changes and new bilateral vessels take place, in particular the subcardinal veins (Figure 1(b)).
The post-hepatic IVC develops between the sixth and eighth weeks of embryonic life as a composite structure formed from the continuous appearance and regression of three paired embryonic veins, the posterior cardinal, the subcardinal, and the supracardinal veins.