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(Games, other than specified) trademark a football game played on a table, with toy players affixed to rounded bases which are flicked with the fingers
[C20: arbitrarily named, from Latin subbuteo, the specific name of the hobby hawk Falco subbuteo]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Fair enough, but at this time of year I do look back fondly to my own childhood when Christmas Day delivered the latest Subbuteo teams, Roy of the Rovers Annual, Football Champions Annual and hopefully a new Frido football.
A modest child, I put at the top of my Christmas list a "Subbuteo Club Edition".
FIRST FEMALE SUBBUTEO SET TO RELFECT the growth of women's football in the UK, Hasbro has unveiled the first all-female Subbuteo set, ahead of the SSE Women's FA Cup final at Wembley Stadium today.
Sir David Jason Subbuteo's new look THE first all-female Subbuteo set has been launched to reflect the rapid growth of women's football in the UK.
SUBBUTEO has created the world's first female football set to celebrate the women's FA Cup Final on Saturday.
Everton's new PS10million defender was just nine years old when he wrote to the makers of the table football game Subbuteo to ask why there were no black players in the England team he played with.
Everton's new PS10million defender was just nine-years-old when he wrote to the makers of the table football game Subbuteo to ask why there were no black players in the England team he played with.
He added that the shop was also a "regular place of pilgrimage for us enthusiasts of Subbuteo table soccer."
Football legend Sir Trevor Brooking joins dad Rob and son Seth for a game of Subbuteo in the dining room, proving that he's a demon on felt as well as grass.
In its colourful 133-year history the club has produced a string of top players and achieved what many may consider its greatest achievement - to be the only amateur club to have featured as a Subbuteo team.
IT WILL all flick off in Glasgow this weekend as Europe's top Subbuteo players compete in a prestigious tourney.