soft top

(redirected from soft-tops)

soft top

(Automotive Engineering) a convertible car with a roof made of fabric rather than metal
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We all know how much the country loves the hatch but the convertible is not the first model that would spring to mind when quizzed about UK soft-tops.
Four-seat soft-tops tend to have the provenance of much bigger often costlier models, which tend not to have that nippy, zippy handling that makes them perfect for the town.
The soft-tops will be available in two colours - Nutria Beige and Black Canvas.
Most small soft-tops need vibration dampers to try and take care of that but this Beetle doesn't need them.
? A SPECIAL edition Mazda MX-5 'Venture Edition' roadster has been announced in a limited run of 800 units split two ways, to include 550 2.0-litre hard-top models and 250 1.8-litre soft-tops. This is a luxury special edition, packed with high-end equipment, including heated brown leather seats, a Sanyo TomTom satnav, climate control and even cruise control, which is the first time the system has been factory fitted to a 1.8-litre MX-5.
POLICE in Leamington are urging car owners with soft-tops to be extra careful about where they park them overnight.
A total of 200 SVX vehicles will be made available in the UK, comprising 140 two-seat Defender 90 soft-tops and 60 four-seat Defender 90 station wagons.
If anything, the decision to name it the victor for the third year running was made even easier, because CC-style convertibles are proving just as susceptible to the seasonal shift in values that afflicts traditional soft-tops.
Other pluses included low road noise and none of the wind drumming associated with "soft-tops".
For the last few years, the Saab 9-3 has been Britain's best-selling premium brand for four-seater soft-tops and after spending a week with one recently, I know why.
SAAB dubs its soft-tops 'four-season' convertibles and the 9-3 certainly fits the bill.
Although we enjoyed just 66 days of sun-shine last year,UK sales of soft-tops came in at 98,316, which is four times the number sold in Italy, where there was twice the amount of sunlight at 136 days.