During the section
Puha played - which saw Jesse attempt to track down a missing employee in the Bureau's Research Sector - we also saw the Seize power in use, which forces enemies to switch allegiance and fight alongside you for a limited period of time.
Kristlikus sumboolikas on kala vaga tahtis, seda kasitatakse kui Kristuse marki ja kolm kala tahistavad
Puha Kolmainsust.
(5) Cristina
Puha, "Pozitia lui Iancu Flondor fata de noile realitati politice ale Regatului Roman (1918-1924)", in Analele Bucovinei, VII, 2, Bucuresti, 2000, pp.
Site 50-80-15-4851, located on the opposite bank of
Puha Stream from O18, is likely to be the oldest among the four.
Seetottu oleme meie ja eelnimetatud piiskop Dietrich suurema kindluse jaoks selle kirja kulge oma pitseri riputanud, mis on antud Tartu lossis, meie Issanda aastal tuhat kolmsada uheksakummend kaheksa
puha neitsi Margareta paeval.
Single higher concentrations were measured also in the Parnu River in August (320 [micro]g/L), in the Selja River in July (73 [micro]g/L), and in the
Puha River in March (78 [micro]g/L).
"I remember when I grew up at Hongoeka Bay Marae in Plimmerton that we always enjoyed our pork and
puha boil ups, but I don't remember eating junk food.
In his interview with
Puha (2001), game localization expert Ben Wibberley stated that "the English have a particular stereotypical view of the Spanish which is completely different to ...
In the next chapter, 'Eating Pork Bones and
Puha with Chopsticks', Jenny Bol Jun Lee builds on work done for her MA to provide an overview of the ways in which Maori-Chinese relationships from the 1920s to the 1940s were 'framed within the dominant discourses of Aotearoa/New Zealand'.
PUHA: Pick Up, Haul A*** (when the doctor thinks the patient is malingering).
The elevation of the shield (toward the sun, to absorb
puha or supernatural power) was a personal ritual charged with significance.(2) But Burnet could dismiss these elements readily, fixed as he was on the evolutionist criteria for authentic religion: highly structured mythic tradition, emphasis on future rewards for moral behavior, and monotheism.