clear off
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Related to clear off: clear out
clear off
(intr, adverb) informal to go away: often used imperatively
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Verb | 1. | clear off - remove from sight |
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إذْهَب!يَذْهَب، يَبْتَعِد
skrubbe af
abhauendie Kurve kratzenverschwinden
maknuti se
fara; hverfa
ayak altından çekilmekçekip gitmekuzaklaşmak
cút xéo
(kliə) adjective1. easy to see through; transparent. clear glass.
2. free from mist or cloud. Isn't the sky clear!
3. easy to see, hear or understand. a clear explanation; The details on that photograph are very clear.
4. free from difficulty or obstacles. a clear road ahead.
5. free from guilt etc. a clear conscience.
6. free from doubt etc. Are you quite clear about what I mean?
7. (often with of) without (risk of) being touched, caught etc. Is the ship clear of the rocks? clear of danger.
8. (often with of) free. clear of debt; clear of all infection.
verb1. to make or become free from obstacles etc. He cleared the table; I cleared my throat; He cleared the path of debris.
2. (often with of) to prove the innocence of; to declare to be innocent. He was cleared of all charges.
3. (of the sky etc) to become bright, free from cloud etc.
4. to get over or past something without touching it. He cleared the jump easily.
ˈclearance noun1. the act of clearing or removing. The clearance of these trees from the front of the window will give you more light.
2. the empty space between two objects. You can drive the lorry under the bridge – there's a clearance of half a metre.
3. (a certificate) giving permission for something to be done.
ˈclearing noun a piece of land cleared of wood etc for cultivation. a clearing in the forest.
ˈclearly adverbˈclearness noun
ˌclear-ˈcut adjective
having a clear outline; plain and definite. clear-cut features.
ˈclearway noun a stretch of road on which motorists are forbidden to stop.
clear off to go away. He cleared off without saying a word.
clear out1. to get rid of. He cleared the rubbish out of the attic.
2. to make tidy by emptying etc. He has cleared out the attic.
clear up1. to make clean, tidy etc. Clear up this mess!
2. to become better etc. If the weather clears up, we'll go for a picnic.
in the clear no longer under suspicion, in danger etc.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
clear off
→ إذْهَب! zmizet skrubbe af verschwinden φεύγω largarse häipyä déguerpir maknuti se squagliarsela 立ち去る 꺼져 smeren ('m) stikke av spadać afastar-se убираться försvinna เอาออกไป ayak altından çekilmek cút xéo 走开Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009