perceptual constancy
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Noun | 1. | perceptual constancy - (psychology) the tendency for perceived objects to give rise to very similar perceptual experiences in spite of wide variations in the conditions of observation perception - the process of perceiving brightness constancy - the tendency for a visual object to be perceived as having the same brightness under widely different conditions of illumination color constancy, colour constancy - the tendency for a color to look the same under widely different viewing conditions shape constancy - the tendency to perceive the shape of a rigid object as constant despite differences in the viewing angle (and consequent differences in the shape of the pattern projected on the retina of the eye) size constancy - the tendency to perceive the veridical size of a familiar object despite differences in their distance (and consequent differences in the size of the pattern projected on the retina of the eye) psychological science, psychology - the science of mental life |
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