color constancy

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Related to color constancy: brightness constancy
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Noun1.color constancy - the tendency for a color to look the same under widely different viewing conditions
perceptual constancy, constancy - (psychology) the tendency for perceived objects to give rise to very similar perceptual experiences in spite of wide variations in the conditions of observation
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However, human observers may rely on visual mechanisms such as color constancy (26) to accomplish a similar effect.
The color constancy method typically corrects distorted color values based on the color white, but the proposed method makes corrections by automatically selecting the color that will lead to the most desirable results, based on the various colors in a traffic sign.
Solvent extracted paraffinic oils are normally 90-95 VI oils that have high flash points, good color constancy, low volatility, and a saturate level of 75-93 VI.
Levafix ECO Black is a neutral black shade with a superior level of color constancy between daylight and artificial light sources.
It addresses the means of color communication and various visual attributes of color; color order systems; color-difference formulas and their use in color comparison and control; instrumental colorant formulation; metamerism and shade sorting; chromatic adaptation and color constancy; and digital color reproduction.
van de Weijer, "Computational Color Constancy: Survey and Experiment," IEEE Trans.
Color is a diacritical and synthetic production of meaning based on selection and combination, whereas color constancy uses the unchanging ratios between surfaces to create the useful fiction of stability.
The 80 papers consider such topics as combining color constancy and gamma correction for image enhancement, haptic guidance using primitives for executing virtual robotic tasks, a neighborhood hybrid structure for optimizing mechanical properties of a microalloyed steel based on its chemical composition, the robust fractional digital control of a first-order plus integrator process, an experimental platform of a physical model for a quadrotor helicopter, a simulation model to solve the forward problem in acoustic reflectometry, and three basic geometries of rings containing microstrip antennas.
Model B assumes that aged people compensate lens aging effects by using a von Kries-type compensation mechanism (Hunt & Pointer, 2011), similar to the one frequently proposed to explain color constancy (Foster et al., 1997).
The problem with drawing this implication from Ralph Evans's observation alone is that it overlooks another important aspect of color experience: namely, the phenomenon of color constancy. Color constancy obtains whenever we perceive the color of an object to be invariant across changes in its illumination conditions.