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Related to pecorino: pancetta


n. pl. pe·co·ri·nos
An Italian cheese, especially Romano, made from sheep's milk.

[Italian, of ewes, pecorino, from pecora, ewe, sheep, from Latin, cattle, pl. of pecus; see peku- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Cookery) an Italian cheese made from ewes' milk
[C20: from Italian, literally: of ewes, from pecora sheep, from Latin pecus]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Basking in bubbles PS8.99 Waitrose Pecorino Waitrose This Italian grape is usually used for still wines, but this gently bubbly version, with hints of citrus, is a less sweet alternative to prosecco.
We began our evening with a glass of Waitrose Sparkling Pecorino (RRP PS8.99).
At that time I'd converted my pals to this grape via Wm Morrison Pecorino (around PS6 from Morrisons).
"A plate of grilled lamb meatballs with guanciale and pecorino at Prairie in San Francisco inspired me to make my own version at home.
I finished this dish with little shavings of Pecorino that adds a final hint of umami flavour to the palate.
MilkyLab specializes in machines for the production of: Pasta Filata Cheese (Mozzarella, Caciocavallo, Provolone, Pizza Cheese, Kassery, String cheese) Processed Cheese And Cheese Spreads, Hard And Semi-Hard Cheese (caciotte, pecorino, ecc.).
Peas and Pecorino Serves 4 to 6 The first restaurant I worked at after culinary school was Mumbo Jumbo in Atlanta, Georgia, and that's where I ate really good blanched peas for the first time.
the INGREDIENTS For the pesto: 150g shelled unsalted pistachio nuts; 8 spring onions, trimmed and chopped; 15g unsalted butter; 1 fat garlic clove, crushed; 170ml extra virgin olive oil; 130g ricotta, preferably fresh rather than UHT; 40g pecorino or Parmesan cheese, finely grated; Sea salt flakes and freshly ground black pepper For the vegetables: 8-10 radishes, preferably French breakfast radishes; 650g asparagus; 3tbsp extra virgin olive oil; 3/4tbsp white balsamic vinegar; 200g fresh raw peas; 25g pea shoots METHOD 1.
With recipes ranging from Strawberry Lime Chia Jam; Peach Salsa Fresca; Crispy Brussels Sprouts with Pecorino; and Big Mexican Salad with Creamy Cilantro Dressing; to Chipotle Black Bean Tortilla Soup; Vegetarian Lentil Gyros; Pizza Margherita with Pecorino & Egg; and Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Skillet Cookie, "A Couple Cooks--Pretty Simple Cooking " will prove to be fun to plan menus with, as well as an enduringly popular addition to personal, family, and community library Vegetarian Cookbook collections.
This paper deals with three ewes' cheeses under real industrial conditions and named "Pecorino," "Gouda," and "ewes' ripe." Although present in the European and North American markets, the "Pecorino" and "Sheep Gouda," the information about ewes' cheeses are in general scarce [24].
This breakfast pizza " topped with sharp pecorino, brawny bits of meat and runny-yolk eggs " is nothing like that leftover takeout.