paradigm shift

(redirected from paradigm shifts)
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paradigm shift

(Philosophy) a radical change in underlying beliefs or theory
[C20: coined by T.S. Kuhn (1922–96), US philosopher of science]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Paradigm Shifts in Early and Modern Chinese Religion: A History
In many ways, the auto industry's paradigm shift is not just the shift from ICE one into an electric one or autonomous one, but multiple paradigm shifts occurring at different levels with varying magnitude within the auto industry.
The central feature of his theory is the concept of 'paradigm shifts.'
In parallel, it might be said that paradigm shifts are often jarring and disruptive.
and of evolutions, paradigm shifts, and radical breakthroughs in psychiatric therapies.
Kuhn does not see a continuity as Popper does, but rather a disruptive cycle of paradigm shifts. The incommensurable nature and ideological differences of paradigms make knowledge relative, and thus n other on-cumulative.
The exhibition will feature new and existing works that CIC says "operate through or about paradigm shifts, political or personal offering an argument for art's ability to move people and trigger responses." The exhibition will cover locations such as CIC, Townhouse Factory Space and a shop front on Mahmoud Bassiouny Street which all show the works of 15 local and international artists.
It's not difficult to see parallels between the rise of Google and some of the paradigm shifts taking place in healthcare these days.
Haber said, "I have multiple meetings with publishers and tell them paradigm shifts happen.
AoWe as IT folks will be lucky to see one or two paradigm shifts within our lifetimes.