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Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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(33) Geraci is certainly correct that apocalyptic ultimately envisions a paradisial end where the troubles and problems of the current age are no more.
The final work on History of Russian Architecture occurred during the 1992-93 academic year at the National Humanities Center, nestled in the piney woods of paradisial North Carolina.
For instance, readers will learn of the "paradisial atmosphere" that infused Ryan's work as well as the "inner dictum of harmony" that pervades her paintings.
Professor Alison Milbank gave the second public lecture on Wednesday evening, which invited us to visualise London through the eyes of Dante; tracing similarities in visual language between Dore's illustrations of the Inferno with those he did of Newgate Prison in Jerrold's 'London', she applied a Dantean lens through which Milbank looked to artists working in the present day, such as the paradisial dynamic red buses of Brian Whelan's London.
Such strong emotions and fusion with the environment produce, in turn, a paradisial state and primitive process during which one is welcomed, accepted, and anointed as one of the group.
It was during the chanting of "If I Could Turn You On"; the stage was very crowded; there was hardly any room to dance; when this group grabbed me in the middle of the crowd, I chanted to them and accepted their mocking advances with as graceful/ as paradisial [sic] / responses as I was able to muster.
The opening pages are striking for their lyrical depiction of nature, which establishes an anthropocentric and paradisial vision of the earth.
(18) A tour guide, as Virgil and Beatrice for Dante but not in any afterworld, this revelatory journey takes place on earth, exposing infernal, purgatorial, and paradisial realities.
These things are tinware at the peak of refinement, they have gilt chinoiserie borders, little paradisial scenes, showing lakes and fountains set amongst classical ruins, and all on a deep red japanned ground.
Salwa Khoddam's focus, by contrast, is on The Magician's Nephew, and specifically the contrasting images of the ruined city of Charn and the paradisial Garden of the newly made Narnia.
Paraphrasing Rank, Dali writes that [i]t seems increasingly true that the whole imaginative life of man tends to reconstitute symbolically by the most similar situations and representation that initial paradisial state, and especially to surmount the horrible "traumatism of birth" by which we are expulsed from the paradise, passing abruptly from that ideally protective and enclosed environment to all the hard dangers of the frightfully real new world.
Following Dante's Divine Comedy, Murphy maintains there are three levels of comedy: the paradisial, purgatorial, and infernal.