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(Statistics) statistics the proportion of couples who get married in a particular community
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Comments on "Some Relations among Cultural Traditions, Nuptiality and Fertility"
Coale, the Distinguished Lecture on "Some Relations among Cultural Traditions, Nuptiality, and Fertility"; Prof.
The first presents the model of the Islamic family and the norms associated with nuptiality and fertility.
Several researchers have identified changes in nuptiality behaviour in Pakistan, in terms of a rise in both the average age at marriage [8; 11; 12] and changes in cohort nuptiality [7].
The information on fertility, mortality, nuptiality and other socio-economic variables was gathered for the 63 districts of Pakistan.
(2) The obvious fact that in considerations of nuptiality the appropriate age groups have to be taken into account is apparently not understood by demographers, particularly in neutral countries, who during or after each major wax detect the hand of Providence in an increasing masculinity ratio at birth.
"Literacy Transition and Female Nuptiality: Implications for Fertility in Pakistan"--by Mrs Naushin Mahmood, and Miss Zubeda Khan, Research Demographers, PIDE
We recognize that Pakistan is undergoing a transition in literacy and nuptiality and it would be of particular interest to examine the effects of these two variables on fertility.
This is attributable to the fact that major differences in fertility across the groups are caused by variation in the nuptiality behaviour.
This decline was caused by changes in nuptiality patterns, the introduction of family planning during the Third Five Year Plan (1965-70) and continuing socio-economic development.
Thus, although the more educated women and those residing in urban areas and with professional husbands are displaying more advanced stages of changes in nuptiality pattern, the census figures reflect fairly large-scale, if not drastic, changes in marriage behaviour across the country [9].