

1. (Ecclesiastical Terms) the condition, practice, or character of a nun
2. (Ecclesiastical Terms) nuns collectively
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It was also submitted that nunhood is a religious lifestyle and not a profession.
Here again, we can find the guilty nun passing through two stages: (1) a transgression that ended the validity of her nunhood; and (2) actually leaving the Order (vibbhamitva).
One of the brothers, a sister this time, since the brotherhood embraces both sexes, who was shortly to proceed herself across Imber causeway to nunhood, became deranged and threw herself into the lake.
Three years after being jailed, in September 1997 Paduva's life story had taken another twist when a young nun, Beatrice, left nunhood to marry him after coming to know of his tale.
Jesme, in her book, states various incidents of harassment and sexual activities prevailing in the convents besides narrating her personal trauma during her nunhood.
After she is reunited with her family, Kieu's commitment remains unshaken: "To nunhood vowed, I'll stay here till the end" (l.3048).
Though most took similar vows, they all "approached their journey to God differently." A part of her mourns with us the culture gap which finds liberated communities that value maturity and creativity but are slow to attract younger women who prefer the outward trappings of nunhood presented by more traditional orders.
Before her nine years in nunhood, Dhammarakhita worked as a secretary and translator.
I always knew the man above had never given me the nod for the nunhood.
But there in the Saks windows, nunhood's obstinate dignity resisted appropriation.