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Related to monodisperse: Polydisperse, Dispersity


(Chemistry) chem (of a colloidal system) having particles of similar size
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References in periodicals archive ?
Moreover, the leaders in the diagnostics sector, such as Abbott, Roche, and Danaher are encouraging the use of newer microfluidics technologies, such as the monodisperse bubbles/drops
[7]), there is less agreement on the modeling of nonlinear viscoelasticity even for monodisperse systems.
Among their topics are the adsorptive removal of mercury from water and wastewater by chitosan and its derivatives, the effect of chitosan modification on its structure and specific surface area, applying chitin and chitosan-based adsorbents to remove natural dyes from wastewater, environmental applications for removing arsenicals, the role of surfactants in enhancing the biosorption capacity of chitosan, and graphene oxide-chitosan furnished monodisperse platinum nanoparticle as importantly competent and reusable nanosorbents for removing methylene blue.
The described work only partially investigated the problem of synthesis of monodisperse particles Si[O.sub.2].
He, Facile synthesis of monodisperse manganese oxide nanostructures and their application in water treatment.
In the upper part of the fountain spraying liquid, thereby forming a stable monodisperse aerosol with an average droplet size of about 2 - 4 mm.
All formed nanoparticles exhibited monodisperse characteristic, nearly spherical morphology, and coarse surface, confirmed by DLS results and SEM image (Table 1 and Figure 2).
Monodisperse chlorinated methyl styrene is a porous, highly reactive benzyl chloride that can be used as a trigger in the SI-ATRP reaction, simplifying surface modification of the matrix [35-37].
This temperature dependent behavior is similar to convective colloid crystal growth and disassembly at elevated and reduced temperatures as demonstrated using monodisperse solutions [8].
As other researchers show, the jet mode also depends on flow rate and increased flow rate needs increase in applied voltage to make cone jet mode stable that is essential for monodisperse particles formation (22).