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Related to monocytes: Lymphocytes, Basophils, Eosinophils, Neutrophils


A type of large white blood cell. See leukocytes.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
References in periodicals archive ?
Not only for lymphatic vessels, VEGFC is also a chemoattractant in mobilizing monocytes from their pool in the bone marrow and spleen [37].
On the other hand, the recent report of our group indicated that repetitive G-CSF administration to pediatric patients effectively induced significant mobilization of EPCs and putative proangiogenic monocytes [19].
Monocytes are the main cells of innate immunity that play central role in the initiation and resolution of inflammatory response to pathogens [16].
Further, it has been shown that the number of monocytes is not significantly different between osteoporotic and nonosteoporotic women; however, the ex vivo osteoclastogenic potential is significantly higher in monocytes derived from osteoporotic women [5].
Light microscopy reveals PAS positive and eosinophilic nodules with well-defined boundaries that originate from the mesangium and these have a prevalence of 12-46%.3 Monocytes and macrophages are cells that play an important role in the synthesis and release of proinflammatory and prooxidant cytokines.18
If there is an inflammatory reaction, two changes occur: first, more monocytes or macrophages are recruited into the small intestine and second, there is a dramatic change in their gene expression.
Researchers found that MS patients with high body mass indexes (BMIs) had higher ceramide levels and more circulating monocytes than were evident in healthy individuals with the same BMIs.
The results showed that the IO affected the number and size of blood cells by selectively reducing the differential number of monocytes. In addition, the mean platelet volume is decreased.
Neutrophils, they discovered, induce monocyte production through release of a factor called CSF-1, and experiments with mice lacking the gene for hypocretin revealed that the hormone controls CSF1 expression, monocyte production and the development of arterial plaques.
The researchers also found the number and size of extracellular vesicles to differ based on the collection and processing method used; monocytes exposed to RBCs which were leukoreduced had fewer extracellular vesicles.

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