And the features of direct democracy that can break this stranglehold come at a risk to minorities, who have no opportunity to bargain and logroll to protect their interests.
Those who give the awards exchange ballots among each other's categories, provide a pasha's fortune to publicity flak-providers, logroll, solicit and hustle shamelessly to pit every talent against every other talent, making it a transparent and debased three-card Monte seam.
Whether in 1933 or today, using a novel parliamentary practice in order to logroll votes undoubtedly can be highly politically useful and quite conducive to the efficient disposition of legislation in the House.
Assuming legislators logroll with fellow members to ensure passage of pet projects until the gains from trade are exhausted (a phenomenon known as universalism), spending will exceed the optimal level.
In 1969, Judy became a member of the first logrolling school for children; learned to logroll on water when she was 12; won her first World title at 16; and retired from competition three years ago at age 43.
Hence, in statutes like the Line Item Veto Act (173) and recent base closure acts, (174) Congress seems to be saying "stop me before I logroll again." Congress may be tying its own hands out of a sense that voters would prefer to forgo their slice of pork if other voters will do the same.
This success may be due in part to their ability to logroll and reframe (Putnam and Holmer, 1992; Tutzauer, 1992), through which they present and represent plausible, alternative courses of action.
It is important to logroll a patient with a halo vest, collar, etc., every two to three hours to relieve prolonged pressure to vulnerable body parts and preserve integrity of the skin.