
(redirected from logouts)


n (Comput) → Ausloggen nt, → Log-out nt
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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You can also download the specific information advertisers have collected on you including: Ads (where you submitted information to advertisers); Search History (all of your Facebook searches); Location History (as recorded by Facebook's Location Services tracking tool); certain Calls and Messages; About You information (related to your account); a history of your logins, logouts, and how long you were logged in; and information about the networks you have used.
Through an intuitive interface, CenterSecure provides a 360 degree view into user's logins and logouts to the system, as well as what commands were issued, calls monitored, and all files accessed, reports ran and resources shared.
A digital footprint may include the recording of activities such as system login and logouts, visits to a web-page, accessed or created files, or emails and chat messages.
Finally, several problems with the electronic bid submission system, including data losses from automated logouts and unscheduled downtimes, made it difficult for some suppliers to submit bids.
* powerful security and data audit tracking features--For example: a supervisor is now able to set the desired level of access for operators, who must log in at all times; new safeguards prevent the unauthorized use of passwords; details of all logins and logouts are recorded, including times at which each test is created, changed, deleted, or aborted; automatic saving and archiving ensures that data is never lost.
Through an intuitive interface, CenterSecure provides a 360 degree view into users' logins and logouts to the system, as well as what commands were issued, calls monitored, and all files accessed, reports ran and resources shared.